vagrant-hostsupdater copied to clipboard
Windows 10 - Vagrant 2.2.14 - HostsUpdater.rb:152:in `+': no implicit conversion of nil into String
As in #190 when using Vagrant 2.2.14 throws an error about the conversion of nil to String. It works with vagrant 2.2.10, no info about the inbetween versions at this time.
Same as in Windows 10
It happens at vagrant==2.2.14, at version vagrant 2.2.13 plugin does not work as expected (hostname entry is not populated in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
), at 2.2.10 works great indeed.
$ vagrant up
Installing the 'vagrant-hostsupdater --version '>= 1.2.0'' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-hostsupdater (1.2.0)'!
Bringing machine 'TestVM' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> TestVM: [vagrant-hostsupdater] Checking for host entries
==> TestVM: [vagrant-hostsupdater] Writing the following entries to (C:/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts)
==> TestVM: [vagrant-hostsupdater] TestVM # VAGRANT: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (TestVM) /
C:/Users/georgoma/.vagrant.d/gems/2.6.6/gems/vagrant-hostsupdater-1.2.0/lib/vagrant-hostsupdater/HostsUpdater.rb:152:in `+': no implicit conversion of nil into String (TypeError)
from C:/Users/georgoma/.vagrant.d/gems/2.6.6/gems/vagrant-hostsupdater-1.2.0/lib/vagrant-hostsupdater/HostsUpdater.rb:152:in `addToHosts'
from C:/Users/georgoma/.vagrant.d/gems/2.6.6/gems/vagrant-hostsupdater-1.2.0/lib/vagrant-hostsupdater/HostsUpdater.rb:99:in `addHostEntries'
from C:/Users/georgoma/.vagrant.d/gems/2.6.6/gems/vagrant-hostsupdater-1.2.0/lib/vagrant-hostsupdater/Action/UpdateHosts.rb:17:in `call'
Using the v1.2.1 beta version fixes this issue
Tested on:
Windows 10 vagrant version 2.2.14 Virtualbox 6.1 vagrant-hostsupdater 1.2.1 - beta version
I can confirm the beta version working.