iframe-widget-test copied to clipboard
This is a proof-of-concept for using the post-to-iframe method of setting cookies for x-domain iframe requests. Facebook uses this method for iframe canvas page apps.
See the images in screenshots/ to see how this works in browesrs.
Basically what happens is we request a page on the iframe-widget-test-base domain which generates a random token. Then with JS on page load, we submit a form that has the iframe as the target. The form action url is, of course, a separate domain: iframe-widget-test-frame. In that request to the frame we set a cookie in the response to the randomly generated token. We then use JS in that frame to show that the cookie is indeed set for the frame's domain. As a control, we load another iframe (on the right in the pictures) with a normal GET request (iframe's src attribtue) on the same domain as the base page (iframe-widget-test-base) to show that no cookie gets set for the base page. Finally, to show that the x-domain iframe is indeed isolated, we try to use JS in the base page to access the title of the frame. In the x-domain iframe, we cannot access the title (browser security enforces that JS cannot communicate between frames with different domains). In the same-domain iframe, we can access the title.
To run this yourself...
This test requires entries in /etc/hosts; e.g.: iframe-widget-test-base.urtak.com iframe-widget-test-1.urtak.is iframe-widget-test-2.urtak.is iframe-widget-test-3.urtak.is iframe-widget-test-4.urtak.is
Run with shotgun: bundle exec shotgun
Also, somehow, you'll need to forward requests to port 80 to 9393 (for use with shotgun).
Navigate to http://iframe-widget-test-base.urtak.is/ in your browser.
Currently the post-to-iframe technique works in:
- FF3+
- IE6+
- Chrome (every version I've tried...)
- Opera (9+ I think...)
- Safari (before v6)
- mobile Safari (before iOS v6)
Safari 6+ and mobile Safari in iOS 6+ threw a wrench in the whole technique though. It looks like localStorage works in cross-domain iframes, though, so that may provide a work around for the future (requires application rearchitecting).
Chrome with "block third party cookies and site data" does not even allow localStorage.