
Results 18 issues of agguser

How to sort using column names instead of indices? e.g. `tsv-sort -H -k age:nr -k name` instead of `keep-header -- sort -t $'\t' -k 2,2nr -k 1,1`

Phinthu (U+0E3A ` ฺ`) and Nikhahit (U+0E4D ` ํ`) are used in Pali Thai. Example text: พุทฺธํ สรณํ คจฺฉามิ.

, to not interfere when using `-stdout`. Also, `-squeeze-log-to /dev/stderr` causes "Illegal seek" error.

In X11 version (, why sometimes h,j,k,l keys do not work? The keys scroll the messages in the top pane instead. For example, when pressing ? for help, then k,...

**Problem description** `perl` does not work with UTF-8 data. **Steps to reproduce** ```sh $ echo $LANG en_US.UTF-8 $ data() { echo "กขค"; } $ data | perl -C -pe 's/.(.)./$1/'...

bug report

**Describe the bug** It seems that vim always resolve symbolic-link directory to physical directory! **To Reproduce** ``` $ mkdir /tmp/d1 $ touch /tmp/d1/f1.txt $ ln -s /tmp/d1 /tmp/d2 $ vim...

In Gauche, is it possible to have Racket's [@-expression]( E.g. ``` '@f[1 2]{ a @(+ 1 2) b cd ef} ``` becomes ``` '(f 1 2 "a " (+ 1...

### Describe the desired feature E.g. ctrl+shift+o to reload last saved game without opening the Load Game dialog box.
