@ChrisRackauckas @utkarsh530 Per our conversation here is an example demonstrating how texture memory interpolation could be use. I would like to be able to leverage CUDA.jl's texture memory support for...
Currently adding a package with a weakdep requires the weakdep to be present in an available registry. However, it seems reasonable that a package may have a weakdep that isn't...
I historically used the following code to build a tree over subtypes. This works in v0.4.2, but fails in v0.4.3. ```julia using AbstractTrees AbstractTrees.children(t::Type) = subtypes(t) first(Leaves(Number)) ``` ```julia ERROR:...
When trying to use FFMPEG.jl I get the following error: ```julia julia> using FFMPEG julia> FFMPEG.exe("-version") dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libbz2.1.0.6.dylib Referenced from: /Users/gerlacar/.julia/artifacts/c28cdc80b48b1077c8fc57d8e94e6eb9c1a4a776/bin/ffmpeg Reason: Incompatible library version: ffmpeg requires...
I see you depend on MakieCore.jl. That has be depreciated ( Can this be updated to depend on Makie instead? I realize that that seems like a heavy dep given...
I've noticed that for some geographical regions there exists building data without `relation` data in the downloaded *.osm file. For reference see ```julia using LightOSM download_osm_buildings(:place_name; place_name = "greenville,...