
Results 56 comments of agerlach

script ```julia using Pkg; cd(@__DIR__); Pkg.activate(".") using CUDA, DiffEqGPU, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots, Serialization, StaticArrays, Distributions, LinearAlgebra, Adapt import DataInterpolations const DI = DataInterpolations function ballistic(u, p, t) CdS, mass, g =...

After reviewing @maleadt's earlier comments, I wonder if makes sense to have a way to pass some parameters that are "global" to all ensembles or as Refs, so that the...

So, I've been experimenting with different options for passing the `CuTexture` w/o incurring the huge conversion overhead and I am at a bit of a loss for what I am...

I have a sysimage with Makie and CairoMakie built in. This sysimage is rebuilt nightly. Looking at the Manifest, it has MakieCore 0.5.2. Here, I am trying to add TuePlots...

Is there any updates on this? I just watched you JuliaCon presentation (fantastic) and was thinking of trying to do a group study with some co-workers. This course is very...