easy-media-bundle copied to clipboard
A Symfony Media manager bundle for EasyAdmin
Easy Media Bundle
A VueJS media-manager for Easyadmin.
Repository Branch | Version | Symfony Compatibility | PHP Compatibility | Status |
2.x |
2.x |
5.4 , and 6.x |
8.0.2 or higher |
New features and bug fixes |
1.x |
1.x |
4.4 , and 5.x |
7.2.5 or higher |
No longer maintained |
- Image editor
- Multi
- Upload
- Move
- Delete
- Upload by either
- Using the upload panel
- Drag&Drop anywhere
- Click&Hold on an empty area "items container"
- From a url "images only"
- From a url rich embed element like Youtube video
- Preview files before uploading
- Toggle between
names for uploaded files - Bulk selection
- Bookmark visited directories for quicker navigation
- Change item/s visibility
- Update the page url on navigation
- Show audio files info "artist, album, year, etc.."
- Dynamically hide files / folders
- Restrict access to path
- Download selected "including bulk selection"
- Directly copy selected file link
- Use the manager
- from modal
- with any wysiwyg editor
- Auto scroll to selected item using "left, up, right, down, home, end"
- Lock/Unlock item/s.
- Filter by
- Folder
- Image
- Audio
- Oembed
- Video
- text/pdf
- application/archive
- Locked items
- Selected items
- Sort by
- Name
- Size
- Last modified
- Items count for
- All
- Selected
- Search found
- File name sanitization for
- Upload
- Rename
- New folder
- Disable/Enable buttons depend on the usage to avoid noise & keep the user focused
Shortcuts / Gestures
- If no more rows available, pressing
will go to the last item in the list "same as native file manager". - When viewing a
file in the preview card, pressingspace
will play/pause the item instead of closing the modal. - Double click/tap
- any file of type
will open it in the preview card "same as images". - any file of type
will download it.
- any file of type
- All the left/right gestures have their counterparts available as well.
- Pressing
while using the image editor wont close the modal but you can dbl click/tap themodal background
to do so. "to avoid accidentally canceling your changes".
- If no more rows available, pressing
To stop interfering with other
events you can toggle the manager listener throughEventHub.fire('disable-global-keys', true/false)
Installation with Symfony Flex
Add our recipes endpoint
"extra": {
"symfony": {
"endpoint": [
"allow-contrib": true
Install with composer
composer require agence-adeliom/easy-media-bundle
Without Symfony Flex
# config/packages/easy_media.yaml
- '@EasyMedia/form/easy-media.html.twig'
easy_media_type: Adeliom\EasyMediaBundle\Types\EasyMediaType
adapter: 'local'
directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/storage/medias'
storage_name: medias.storage
media_entity: App\Entity\EasyMedia\Media
folder_entity: App\Entity\EasyMedia\Folder
# config/routes/easy_media.yaml
resource: '@EasyMediaBundle/Resources/config/routes.xml'
prefix: /admin
resource: '@EasyMediaBundle/Resources/config/public_routes.xml'
prefix: /
// src/Entity/EasyMedia/Folder.php
namespace App\Entity\EasyMedia;
use Adeliom\EasyMediaBundle\Entity\Folder as BaseFolder;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
#[ORM\Table(name: 'easy_media__folder')]
class Folder extends BaseFolder
// src/Entity/EasyMedia/Media.php
namespace App\Entity\EasyMedia;
use Adeliom\EasyMediaBundle\Entity\Media as BaseMedia;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
#[ORM\Table(name: 'easy_media__media')]
class Media extends BaseMedia
Setup database
Using doctrine migrations
php bin/console doctrine:migration:diff
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Manage medias in your Easyadmin dashboard
Go to your dashboard controller, example : src/Controller/Admin/DashboardController.php
namespace App\Controller\Admin;
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// Add the custom form theme
public function configureCrud(): Crud
return parent::configureCrud()
public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linkToRoute('Medias', 'fa fa-picture-o', 'media.index');
Integrate with FOS CKEditor
filebrowserBrowseRoute: media.browse
filebrowserImageBrowseRoute: media.browse
provider: 'image'
- 'image/*'
uploadSize: 5
Integrate with LiipImagineBundle
data_loader: easy_media_data_loader
{{ object.media|resolve_media|imagine_filter('filter_name') }}
Field's usage
use Adeliom\EasyMediaBundle\Admin\Field\EasyMediaField;
yield EasyMediaField::new('property', "label")
// Apply restrictions by mime-types
->setFormTypeOption("restrictions_uploadTypes", ["image/*"])
// Apply restrictions to upload size in MB
->setFormTypeOption("restrictions_uploadSize", 5)
// Apply restrictions to path
->setFormTypeOption("restrictions_path", "users/" . $userID)
// Hide fiels with extensions (null or array)
->setFormTypeOption("hideExt", ["svg"])
// Hide folders (null or array)
->setFormTypeOption("hidePath", ['others', 'users/testing'])
// Enable/Disable actions
->setFormTypeOption("editor", true)
->setFormTypeOption("upload", true)
->setFormTypeOption("bulk_selection", true)
->setFormTypeOption("move", true)
->setFormTypeOption("rename", true)
->setFormTypeOption("metas", true)
->setFormTypeOption("delete", true)
Twig usage
# Render the media
{{ easy_media(object.media, format, options) }} // By default format is the reference file and options
# Examples :
{{ easy_media(object.media, "reference") }}
{{ easy_media(object.media, "cover_full", {'class': 'myclass'}) }}
## For images
{{ easy_media(object.media, "cover_full", {'loading': "lazy"}) }}
{{ easy_media(object.media, "cover_full", {'picture': ["cover_full__2xl","cover_full__xl","cover_full__lg","cover_full__sm","cover_full__xs"]}) }}
{{ easy_media(object.media, "cover_full", {'srcset': ["cover_full__2xl","cover_full__xl","cover_full__lg","cover_full__sm","cover_full__xs"]}) }}
{{ easy_media(object.media, "cover_full", {'loading': "lazy", 'srcset': {'(max-width: 500px)': 'cover_full__2xl', '(max-width: 1200px)': 'cover_full__xl'}}) }}
## For oembed
{{ easy_media(object.media, "reference") }}
{{ easy_media(object.media, "reference", {'responsive': true}) }}
## For video
{{ easy_media(object.media, "reference") }}
{{ easy_media(object.media, "reference", {"responsive" : true, "controls" : true, "autoplay" : true}) }}
# Get media path
{{ easy_media_path(object.media, format) }} // By default format is the reference file
# Get media URL
{{ object.media|resolve_media }}
# Get media metadatas
{{ object.media|media_meta }}
# Get single media metadata
{{ object.media|media_meta('key') }}
# Get complete media informations
{{ object.media|media_infos }}
# Get test file type
# type_to_test: can be a mime_type or
# oembed for any embed type
# image for any image type
# pdf for pdf files
# compressed for archives files
{{ file_is_type(object.media, type_to_test) }}
# Get mimetype icon (font-awesome)
{{ mime_icon("text/plain") }}
You can override media render with twig
- For images :
- For oembed :
- For video :
Manage medias and folders programmatically
/* @var EasyMediaManager $manager */
# Get media by id or null
$media = $manager->getMedia($id);
# Get folder by id or null
$folder = $manager->getFolder($id);
# Get folder by path
$folder = $manager->folderByPath($path);
# Create a folder
$folder = $manager->createFolder($folderName, $path = null)
# Create a media
# $source can be a UploadedFile, File, Image URL, Oembed URL, Base64 URI
$folder = $manager->createMedia($source, $path = null, $name = null)
# Save a folder or media
$manager->save($entity, $flush = true);
# Delete a folder or media
$manager->delete($entity, $flush = true);
Use the Doctrine type (optional)
It automatically converts the stored path into a Media entity
# config/packages/doctrine.yaml
easy_media_type: Adeliom\EasyMediaBundle\Types\EasyMediaType
In your entity
class Article
#[ORM\Column(type: 'easy_media_type', nullable: true)]
private Media|string|null $file;
# config/packages/easy_media.yaml
storage: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/upload'
base_url: /upload/
# ignore any file starts with "."
ignore_files: '/^\..*/'
# remove any file special chars except
# dot .
# dash -
# underscore _
# single quote ''
# white space
# parentheses ()
# comma ,
allowed_fileNames_chars: '\._\-\''\s\(\),'
# remove any folder special chars except
# dash -
# underscore _
# white space
# to add & nest folders in one go add '\/'
# avoid using '#' as browser interpret it as an anchor
allowed_folderNames_chars: _\-\s
# disallow uploading files with the following mimetypes (https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml)
# Defaults:
- php
- java
# disallow uploading files with the following extensions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_filename_extensions)
# Defaults:
- php
- jav
- py
# any extra mime-types that doesnt have "image" in it
image: # Required
# Default:
- binary/octet-stream
# any extra mime-types that doesnt have "compressed" in it
archive: # Required
# Defaults:
- application/x-tar
- application/zip
# display file last modification time as
last_modified_format: Y-m-d
# hide file extension in files list
hide_files_ext: true
# loaded chunk amount "pagination"
pagination_amount: 50
type | event-name | description |
JS | ||
modal-show | when modal is shown | |
modal-hide | when modal is hidden | |
file_selected (when inside modal) | get selected file url | |
multi_file_selected (when inside modal) | get bulk selected files urls | |
folder_selected (when inside modal) | get selected folder path | |
Symfony | ||
em.file.uploaded($file_path, $mime_type, $options) | get uploaded file storage path, mime type | |
em.file.saved($file_path, $mime_type) | get saved (edited/link) image full storage path, mime type | |
em.file.deleted($file_path, $is_folder) | get deleted file/folder storage path, if removed item is a folder | |
em.file.renamed($old_path, $new_path) | get renamed file/folder "old & new" storage path | |
em.file.moved($old_path, $new_path) | get moved file/folder "old & new" storage path |