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Project restoration in one command, auto open everything!

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MIT License PyPI - Python Version Testing

Comeback - Project restoration in one command, auto open everything! comeback helps you open your project's ide/browser/terminal (and more!) all at once - so you wouldn't have to do it manually. Get right back to the business of actually developing.


How much time does this save?

If it takes you an average of 2 minutes to open all of your project's tools, then you waste about 8.5 hours a year per project, not to mention the friction it adds to start really working :O


  1. In the project directory, we have .comeback recipe:
      "vscode": {  
         "cwd": "~/dev/myproject"
      "chrome": {  
         "url": "http://localhost:8080/"
  1. Open a terminal in the project dir and run comeback

This .comeback recipe will open vscode in the ~/dev/myproject path, and open chrome at the http://localhost:8080/ url.

How to run locally (current install)


pipenv shell
pipenv install -e .
comeback --help
cd example
comeback # and see the magic

Global (via pip):

pip install -e /path/to/comeback
(the directory must have the file in it)

Sometimes on linux you may need to configure site-pacakges to be in path like so:
export PATH="$PATH:~/path/to/python/site-packages"

Current plugins:

pycharm logo chrome logo vscode logo kisspng-ipython-jupyter-shell-computer-software-bisht-5b3617c07b2788 1439156715302716805045

Why not bash/batch?

  • It isn't cross-platform.
  • It's more abstract to interact with your project's programs.
  • With more plugins added every day interacting with programs is much easier.
    • Why write your own when it's done for you? (DRY)

How to write a plugin

  1. Create a new directory in comeback/plugins with the name of the program you want to interact with.
  2. Add a file in that directory
  3. Create a file with:
    • run_plugin(arg0, arg1...) - start the plugin, make sure this is cross-platform.

You may want to see the if you decide to add a plugin.

Ideas of .comeback recipes for each kind of developer:

  • comeback for frontend developers:
    • open chrome with live reload
    • open sublime in the specific project path
    • open a terminal with npm run start
  • comeback for backend developers:
    • open goland in the specific project path
    • open postman with the project-specific routes
    • open a terminal and run the server
  • comeback for game developers:
    • open the ide in the specific project path
    • open chrome with the relevant docs
    • open the terminal to view logs
  • comeback for hackers:
    • open tmux with the relevant sessions
    • open FF
    • open IDA


  • Use application specific settings temporarily to open the application in the desired state (thanks @MaorCore)
  • Tests, tests and tests.


pytest tests
pytest --cov=comeback tests (see pytest-cov)


Sammy wants you to help :) you can be one of our active contributors.
A great place to start is to go to our issues, and search for the tag "good first issue".
Even just adding a new feature request / bug can help.
See the file