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General program examples that I use for tutorials in 'GenuineCoder' YouTube channel

Genuine Coder Tutorial Code Collection

This repository contains general program examples that I use for my tutorial videos and blogs.

YouTube Tutorials

JavaFX Scene Transition

Tutorial about JavaFX scene transition with slide effect.

JavaFX Navigation Drawer

JavaFX navigation drawer using JFXDrawer component from JFoenix library.

Ikonli with Java Swing

Creating dynamic icons in Java Swing with Ikonli library.

JavaFX Circular Scene Transition

Tutorial about JavaFX scene transition with circular-reveal effect.

JavaFX Custom Shape Buttons

Creating JavaFX components with custom shapes.

JavaFX Observable

Example of using JavaFX Observable and Bindings

JavaFX Calculator

Sample JavaFX calculator with CSS styling

Java Swing Text Editor

Java swing based basic text editor

Java Sorting Animation

Sorting algorithm execution animation using JavaFX charts

JavaFX Self Writing Letter

Realtime letter writing animation using JavaFX

JavaFX Background Task

Tutorial about JavaFX background tasks to asynchronously execute business logic in the background thread.

JavaFX Blog Posts

Java Blog Posts