buttons_tabbar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
buttons_tabbar copied to clipboard

A Flutter package that implements a TabBar where each label is a toggle button.

Buttons TabBar


Open source Flutter package, tabbar where each tab indicator is a toggle button.

Made by Afonso Raposo.

See the full example here

Install and import the package. Then just customize its parameters.


    sdk: flutter
  buttons_tabbar: ^1.3.6



ButtonsTabBar screen
ButtonsTabBar screen animation

ButtonsTabBar - Examples

Example #1

ButtonsTabBar - Example #1
          length: ...,
          child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                backgroundColor: Colors.red,
                tabs: ...,
                child: TabBarView(
                  children: ...,

Example #2

ButtonsTabBar - Example #2
          length: ...,
          child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                backgroundColor: Colors.blue[600],
                unselectedBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
                    TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
		unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle(
                    color: Colors.blue[600], fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
                borderWidth: 1,
                unselectedBorderColor: Colors.blue[600],
                radius: 100,
                tabs: ...,
                child: TabBarView(
                  children: ...,

Example #3

ButtonsTabBar - Example #3
  length: 6,
  child: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
        radius: 12,
        contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderColor: Colors.transparent,
        center: true,
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
          gradient: LinearGradient(
            colors: <Color>[
        unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
        labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        height: 56,
        tabs: ...,
        child: TabBarView(
          children: ...,

ButtonsTabBar Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
tabs List<Widget> The tabs to display. Typically a list of two or more Tab widgets. @required
controller TabController This widget's selection and animation state. DefaultTabController.of
duration int The duration in milliseconds of the transition animation. 250
backgroundColor Color The background color of the button on its selected state. Theme.of(context).accentColor
unselectedBackgroundColor Color The background color of the button on its unselected state. Colors.grey[300]
decoration BoxDecoration The BoxDecoration of the button on its selected state. null
unselectedDecoration BoxDecoration The BoxDecoration of the button on its unselected state. null
splashColor Color The splash color of the button null
borderWidth double The with of solid Border for each button. 0
borderColor Color The border color of the button on its selected state. Colors.black
unselectedBorderColor Color The border color of the button on its unselected state. If it's value is null, the Color of borderColor is used. null
labelStyle TextStyle The TextStyle of the button's Text on its selected state. The color provided on the TextStyle will be used for the Icon's color. TextStyle(color: Colors.white)
unselectedLabelStyle TextStyle The TextStyle of the button's Text on its unselected state. The color provided on the TextStyle will be used for the Icon's color. TextStyle(color: Colors.black)
physics ScrollPhysics The physics used for the ScrollControllerof the tabs list. BouncingScrollPhysics
contentPadding EdgeInsets The EdgeInsets used for the Padding of the buttons' content. EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4.0)
buttonMargin EdgeInsets The EdgeInsets used for the Margin of the buttons. EdgeInsets.all(4.0)
labelSpacing double The spacing between the Icon and the Text. If only one of those is provided, no spacing is applied. 4.0
radius double The value of the BorderRadius.circular applied to each button. 7.0
height double Override the material TabBar height value. 46.0
center bool Center the tab buttons. false
elevation double The value of elevation applied to each button. 0


If you have any suggestion or problem, let me know and I'll try to improve or fix it.


GNU General Public License v3.0, see the LICENSE.md file for details.