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🌟 Collection of simple React hooks

React Power-Ups 🌟

Collection of simple React hooks to speed-up your React app development.

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npm install react-power-ups
# or with yarn
yarn add react-power-ups

Hooks List

State 🚥

  • useToggle
    Easily toggle or set a boolean state.
    💡 Common use case: show/hide modal, show/hide password

  • useCountDown
    Start, pause, resume, and reset a countdown timer.
    💡 Common use case: display a countdown timer, limit certain action within a time frame like resend OTP

  • useFirstRender
    Check if component is just mounted (on first render).
    💡 Common use case: do something only on first render or vice versa

  • usePrevious
    Get the previous state or prop based on the value from previous render.
    💡 Common use case: when you need the value of the previous state/prop

  • usePreviousDistinct
    Get the previous state or prop based on the comparation with current value.
    💡 Common use case: when you need the value of the previous state/prop

  • useUpdateEffect
    Like useEffect hook, but skip on first mount.
    💡 Common use case: do something when a state updated

  • useIsomorphicLayoutEffect
    Same as useLayoutEffect, but will not show warning in Next.js.

Event 🗓

  • useIntersection
    Tracks an HTML element's intersection.
    💡 Common use case: detect if user has reached the bottom of page to load more data (infinite scroll)

  • useInView
    Tracks an HTML element's visibility on screen or a specified element.
    💡 Common use case: display something differently depending on whether an element is visible on screen or not

  • useWindowEvent
    Add event listener to window.
    💡 Common use case: do something when window received a post-message, user switch tab (window blur event), and many more

Optimization 🚀

  • useDebounce
    Get debounced value.
    💡 Common use case: limit state update to prevent calling API multiple times

  • useDebounceFn
    Debounces a function.
    💡 Common use case: limit the times a function is called, like limiting API call function when user is typing

  • useThrottle
    Get throttled value.
    💡 Common use case: limit state update to prevent calling API multiple times

  • useThrottleFn
    Throttles a function.
    💡 Common use case: limit the times a function is called, like limiting API call function when user is typing

Storage 🗄

  • useLocalStorage
    Like useState but persisted on localStorage, SSG/SSR-friendly.
    💡 Common use case: manage theme, language, etc.

  • useSessionStorage
    Like useState but persisted on sessionStorage, SSG/SSR-friendly.
    💡 Common use case: manage temporary value