bootstrap-toc copied to clipboard
mark the project as unmaintained?
I started looking into what it would take to:
- Generally bring this project up to date
- Decouple from jQuery (
- Decouple from Bootstrap (
and realized it was going to be a decent bit of work. Meanwhile, Tocbot (and probably other alternatives) are available, and look a lot like what Bootstrap TOC would look like on the other side of all those changes. In addition, Bootstrap TOC would probably need a new name to avoid confusion, since:
- It would no longer leverage Bootstrap
- Neither the Bootstrap 4 or 5 docs have the highlight+expand-on-scroll behavior this plugin was meant to mimic
Therefore, unless someone else is interested in taking over maintenance, I think this project has run it's course. If I don't hear from anyone in the next week or so, I'll merge this and archive the repository.
CCing folks who have been active most recently: @bopeng @pustur @sneyed @fedetask
Just want to say I was in the tocbot camp and switched to bootstrap-toc because of unsolved bugs. Cannot remember exactly what the bugs were though.
I personally think bootstrap-toc is valuable and can stay so if it can keep up with the development of bootstrap. In the case of bootstrap 5, removal of jQuery dependency is needed and it is almost done. I have not look into the details of other broken features, but perhaps they could be fixed separately?
I've never been a user of this library so I don't think my opinion should have any weight on your decision 🙂
Sorry, I can't spare any time to help out at the moment :(