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Create beautiful user interfaces for immersive VR/AR experiences.

Results 16 Hover-UI-Kit issues
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Hi Zach, Any plans to support Unity's[ XR Interaction Toolkit](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/index.html)? Can this be integrated easily?

Assets\Extreme Drift\Scripts\Vehicle\VehicleCamera.cs(5,28): **error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'ImageEffects' does not exist in the namespace** 'UnityStandardAssets' (are you missing an assembly reference?) **How to solve this Error**

Hi, i really like the Hover Ui kit. I am using it with the oculus rift. I wonder if I can change the sprites which I use for my interface...


Hi! I'm trying to create a circular UI around the hand with Leap Motion rig. Using the "Hover Layout Rect Row", everything works fine, but it's not naturally circular. When...


This will require investigation and some experience working with Unreal Engine. See [this forum discussion](https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?6935-VR-GUI-Menu-ideas) where developers are expressing interest for Unreal support.


We would love to use this in our project which uses VRTK, a widely used VR library which works with HTC Vive, Oculus VR and Google VR. It would be...


Hi, thank you very much for creating this kit. I'm trying to grab object with Oculus VR while using yours kit. When i put OVR grabber component in Oculus input...


Is there a Hololens input implementation? How hard it would be?


Please see the [**v2.0.0B (beta) release page**](https://github.com/aestheticinteractive/Hover-UI-Kit/releases/tag/v2.0.0B). This ticket is for discussion about the latest changes, including any bugs, issues, and questions that might come up. The [**project wiki**](https://github.com/aestheticinteractive/Hover-UI-Kit/wiki) provides...
