firefox-downloads-sidebar copied to clipboard
Feature request: Dark theme (with a suggestion of what the CSS code could be)
It would be awesome to add a Dark Theme (like Tree Style Tab). It could be a simple option.
So far I am overriding the css in the chrome/userContent.css
in my Firefox's profile like this:
@-moz-document url("moz-extension://[...extension-hash...]/sidebar/panel.html")
html, body
background-color: #222 !important;
color: #EEE !important;
.toolbar-item .btn,
filter: invert(90%) !important;
border: 1px solid #777 !important;
background-color: #CCC !important;
border-top: 1px solid #777 !important;
background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #444, #444) !important;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px #777 !important;
Thanks for the great add-on! Best regards,
I've been looking into @hasB4K suggestion and I believe this slighly modified version of his CSS looks really great:
html, body
background-color: #222 !important;
color: #EEE !important;
.toolbar-item .btn,
filter: invert(90%) !important;
background-color: #CCC !important;
border-top: 1px solid #777 !important;
We could probably detect current theme and dynamically load some CSS. What do you think?
Thanks @josalhor! However I have a simple remark.
I think detecting dynamically themes is not a great idea:
- how do you decide to use this theme when the user use a dark theme, or even a blue theme? How do you define what is a dark theme in the first place (since you will need to detect it)?
- when do you know if the visual is okay in the end? This one is subjective for the user.
I would rather let the user decide whether or not he wants to use this theme with an extension option. At least that my stand :)
Have a good day,
I was thinking of doing this with the default themes of Firefox. Maybe a setting with "Auto" - "Light" - "Dark" would do the trick.
Or would you simply prefer "Light" - "Dark"?
Oh ! I see :)
Well, if there is an option to be able to switch, both option are fine to me!
Thank you!
I wasn't able to get either of the above CSS to work. When Firefox loads, the downloads sidebar initially loads dark but then switches back to light.
FYI, I use another Firefox extension called "Tab Center Redux" that provides a similar feature but for tabs. It has an option for "dark mode". Attached is a screenshot of how it configures dark mode.
Thanks, Francesco
That CSS is now some months old, Firefox may have changed something that was necessary for this to run. @ffabbroc do you have screenshots of how well tabcenter performs on this extension?
Yes, I figured as much. I need to troubleshoot the CSS when I have time.
Here's a screenshot of Firefox with the tab center view showing. It's a very nice extension, since I'm a tab freak. ;)
Let me know if you'd like any more info...
Hi there guys! Is there any progress on this issue?
Have tried every single "hack" that's mentioned here in the tracker, to no avail! :(
Hi @BlackSkorpio I still use the userContent.css
provided two years ago and it still works for me on firefox 77.0.1 on a linux distribution.
Just got this extension myself and thought it could do with a dark theme. The CSS in this thread works fine for me so I'm pretty satisfied, would still be great if a proper setting could be added though.
Hi there guys! Is there any progress on this issue?
Have tried every single "hack" that's mentioned here in the tracker, to no avail! :(
Just in case you're not aware, you need to set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true in about:config for firefox to use a userContent.css file.