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Ruby API Wrapper for Rustici SCORM Cloud
Trying to specify a different format by passing in "activity" or "full" but the function always returns "course" format. Tried passing in a bad variable, for example "full2", and it...
the command is actually gem, not require, I also updated it to use the more modern ruby syntax
Does the import_course method work inside the course_service.rb file? I'm seeing the call trying to pass the path as a parameter to SCORM Cloud instead of POSTing the file.
The readme only goes over retrieving courses hosted in scorm cloud, but how would I actually import courses into the scorm cloud storage space in our lms interface? Is there...
Take appid as parameter to auth_ping to check app authorization.
First, require in Gemfile like your doc does not work... Second: `undefined method 'scorm_cloud' for # (NoMethodError)`
ScormCloud recently started supporting the new TinCan standard. I need a way to get the tincanRegistrationId when creating a new registration so I can include it in my statements.