Adán SDPC // asdpc.eth

Results 73 comments of Adán SDPC // asdpc.eth

Exactly same issue here on Python 2.7 32 bits Windows 7.

It installs flawlessly with Python 3.4 after doing: ``` easy_install python install ```

I recently added [actions/create-release]( in a scheduled GitHub action to [witnet-rust]( with the aim of producing nightly builds at midnight, but we were facing the issue of the action failing...

Good point. The test should recognize non-global IPs and just pass in that case.

Hi @drorasaf, Thanks for the heads-up! Feel free to PR if you want to contribute, we will be much grateful :pray:

Hi @GETandSELECT, Thanks a lot for your feedback. We are considering separating the logic from the UI so that it can be run unattended, which we understand can be quite...

> Currently the bridge node shows an error when retrieving the data request 0. We should discuss how to deal with these kind of errors and decide how to show...

Did the changes implemented following #2171 solve this? Or are we ready to resume work on this item?

Is there any PR following up on this? Or is this a `wontfix`?

@tmpolaczyk can you please provide a little write up listing the CLI commands needed for a 2-of-3 multisig? That will help us a lot to test the workflow :pray: