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Uploading files in Browser using an NFS share
I have a deployment of Selenoid in a SWARM Cluster and I am using an NFS share to keep input data for my tests . This share is mounted in browsers containers.
I want to make the same thing for Moon deployed in Kubernetes, but I couldn't find any way of doing it.
Can you helm me with this?
Thank you, John
@johnqa Moon only support S3 as storage. Kubernetes volumes \ NFS are not supported and we don't have plans to support it in the future.
That is too bad.
But is there a way to run a sh script immediately after the browser container is initialised and mount the share in the filesystem?
@johnqa currently we don't have such feature.
@johnqa Moon only support S3 as storage. Kubernetes volumes \ NFS are not supported and we don't have plans to support it in the future.
@vania-pooh how to integrate s3 as storage for file system
@vivek-singh-thridsummit you can use third-party tools like minio.
@vania-pooh what i can see is that minio provide the storage solution for recorded video but I want a shared space for my test input data. Is there any tutorial where minio work in such a manner please provide, it would be a great help
@vivek-singh-thridsummit you can use third-party tools like minio.
@vivek-singh-thridsummit storing test input data is out of Moon scope. Moon even does not know that you are running tests in browsers. This is just an API for efficient browser automation.
Ohh Got it, Is there any way to attach configmap or mount any host volume into browser pods ?
@vivek-singh-thridsummit no, currently this is not supported. But in Selenium e.g. you can upload files to browser pod using built-in upload feature.
can we mount hostPath is Moongrid 2.x like we do for Moongrid 1.x browser.json ?
@vivek-singh-thridsummit currently this was not ported to Moon 2.
Hi This is the approach to upload a file in c# Language. This might help you.
public void UploadFileTests_Test()
IWebElement upload = TestWebDriver.FindElement(By.Name("note"));
upload.SendKeys(@System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location) + "/SampleFile.xlsx");
Console.WriteLine("File Uploaded Successfully");
@joshianand18 in Moon 2 we also have this: Detailed article: