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Android Chrome with SKIN env variable causes Chrome to crash on startup

Open mikk150 opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

If I start android docker container with docker run --rm -p 5900 --device /dev/kvm --env ENABLE_VNC=true --env SKIN=1200x1920 selenoid/chrome-mobile:79.0 or run selnoum with {"capabilities": {"skin": "WXGA720"}

Then chrome crashes on startup

I think chrome should be installed right after android starts each time, so we can use SKIN variable

mikk150 avatar Jan 29 '20 15:01 mikk150

for other ppl, it would be really awesome to be able to set from capabilities(and from ENV also of cource) an APK file to download and install it to device, so they can use always same image to test their application that has been built from CI/CD

mikk150 avatar Jan 29 '20 15:01 mikk150

@mikk150 Appium used in these images allows to specify your app using app capability (pass HTTP URL to APK there).

vania-pooh avatar Jan 29 '20 17:01 vania-pooh

@mikk150 Appium used in these images allows to specify your app using app capability (pass HTTP URL to APK there).

That does not change the fact that SKIN variable is not working

mikk150 avatar Jan 30 '20 08:01 mikk150

@vania-pooh Any updates here? Looks like the issue is still reproducible.