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Nmap NSE scripts
nmap script using [wappalyzer database](https://github.com/AliasIO/Wappalyzer/blob/master/src/apps.json)
https://www.tenable.com/plugins/nessus/121008 https://github.com/sec-consult/houseofkeys Use SHA1 from ssl-cert. May even be stored so that we can just review and compare.
The only nmap output that will show you the response message from MySQL when it is using IP filtering is the `mysql-enum` script with debug `-dd`. You will see a...
I always run -v4 in scans. Most of the potential ouput in these scripts is printed at that level. I should probably downgrade most printing to debug1 (with the possible...
My changed to `ike-mode` are very minimal, and with the latest commit even include a bug fix that would apply to `ike-version`. nmap accepts github PR's. I should submit one...
I think the table should have this format: ``` x-xss-protection: present: true value: 1; mode=block description: solution or recommendation: ```
http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-09/msg00955.html Now that we have timeout working, we should probably spend some time implementing proper error handing into http-screenshot. Lua doens't have great support for handing the otuput streams from...
Given the false positives with the `dns-brute2` script, I'd like to rewrite it in Go. But I'd like to keep it as an NSE. So it would be great to...
PhantomJS has a dependency: `libfontconfig`. This is most likely not installed on headless systems, so the check in `http-screenshot` for the presence of the `phantomjs` command is not enough. Need...