Aerik Sylvan
Aerik Sylvan
So after reading this article which says > The programmer has no control over when the finalizer is called; the garbage collector decides when to call it. The garbage...
Interesting test! Re: > Also, I agree with your assessment that we should be able to remove TempFileBuffer from fo-dicom in favor of an inlined or alternative implementation for the...
Here's the kind of thing I'm talking about - we can still use TempFileBuffer in DicomTranscoder, and do kinda cool things like this ``` private DicomDataset DecodeDataset(DicomDataset oldDataset) { long...
While we're sort of on the subject, it looks like Decoding a dataset and then rendering it can result in a broken image when the original is Jpeg / YBR....
I am wrestling with the opposite issue. IMHO, each frame does not neet to be padded, only the resultant element value (I am dealing with multi-frame images). Can you post...
Maybe I'm being dense, but isn't this just about being intelligent about when we call ToString() on the objects passed as the last argument to the logger? `void Log(LogLevel level,...
An EvenLengthBuffer is use for the output pixels for each frame when decompressing multiframe images. In the rare case of 8 bit monochrome images with an odd number of pixels,...
Proposed solution, in the absence of firm guidance, etc, is to remove the lines in jpeg.i that would force an even length. `if ((frameSize % 2) != 0) frameSize++;` and...
I think we cannot say the transcoder is responsible for ensuring the pixel data element is an even length when it only handles single frames - is that what you...
Your math is of course correct (even length frame x whatever = even length pixel data) but the end result where every frame is padded by one pixel is unnecessary...