las3r copied to clipboard
A lisp compiler for the AVM2.
This is a small change based very closely on the source code for Clojure. I was working through Joy of Clojure with las3r handy and noticed intern was missing.
Now that Flash Player 11.4 with concurrency support is out, do you have any idea when you plan to update las3r to include concurrency?
I've seen both GPL and MPL note in the License file, isn't those two are incompatible? Isn't this distribution going to be considered as GPL violation?
At the moment expressions like (take 4 (interleave (repeat 1) (repeat 2))) loop infinitely. This patch should fix that. See also:
i'd prefer (_stage_ stageWidth) usage to (. _stage_ stageWidth) like nu language does
The following code throws a VerifyError: Error #1019: Getscopeobject 1 is out of bounds. ``` ((fn ([] (fn [] nil)) ([x] nil))) ```
``` -> (let [s "abcd" index-of (. s indexOf)] (index-of "c")) 5 -> (let [s "abcd" index-of (get-property s "indexOf")] (index-of "c")) 2 -> (let [s "abcd"] (= (. s...
Is there a reason for them to do that? It makes porting clojure code harder, sneaks up on you in destructuring lets etc. I've had them return null for a...
See change log at