haskell-issues copied to clipboard
Improve the documentation of partial functions in base
Emphasize in which cases the function will result in an error.
Point at total alternatives, e.g.
's documentation should mentionlistToMaybe
I could do it (I recently made a patch to base
and it wasn't hard) but first we should find a list of partial functions in base. Is there one somewhere?
and head
are eventually implemented using errorWithoutStackTrace
, so you could search its call history in base source.
Makes sense, thanks.
I could do it (I recently made a patch to base and it wasn't hard)
Sounds great! I think it's quite a bit of work, but definitely worth it!
There is also the issue of type class instances with partial methods. For example succ :: Integer -> Integer
is for most purposes quite total while succ :: Bool -> Bool
Instances can have their own haddocks like the Read
instance here but individual instance methods can apparently not.
I'm sleepy so I'll just dump the list here:
• printf
• read
• gather
• showInt, showIntAtBase
• intToDigit, digitToInt
• mallocForeignPtr, mallocForeignPtrBytes, mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes,
mallocPlainForeignPtr, mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes,
mallocPlainForeignPtrAlignedBytes, addForeignPtrFinalizer
• (!!)
• (^)
• chr
• NonEmpty: fromList, (!!)
• stimes, stimesMonoid, stimesIdempotentMonoid, stimesIdempotent
• bitSize @Integer, @Natural
• complement @Natural, pred @Natural
• fromJust
• the
• registerDelay
• maximumBy, minimumBy, genericIndex, foldr1, foldl1, minimum, maximum
• succ, pred, toEnum, fromEnum
• repConstr, dataTypeConstrs, indexConstr, constrIndex,
maxConstrIndex, mkIntegralConstr, mkRealConstr, mkCharConstr
• gunfold for various types (?)
• readControlMessage, sendMessage
• newDefaultBackend
• dynApp
• threadWaitRead, threadWaitWrite, threadWaitReadSTM,
threadWaitWriteSTM on Windows
• mfix @Maybe, @Either
• head, tail, init, last, foldl1, foldl1', foldr1, maximum, minimum, cycle
• lots of functions in Data.Bifoldable
Probably missed something. Also some of those already have warnings, though it might be nice to make them more unified.
I see no errorEmptyList
The Foldable []
instance uses maximum
from GHC.List
, which uses errorEmptyList
FWIW the changes can now also be submitted via https://github.com/ghc/ghc/pulls.
How about adding Liquid Haskell type signatures to constrain the domain of the partial functions and make them total?
I believe that Liquid type specifications
- are compact forma of documentation and also
- are machine checked.
We have already specified many Base functions in here