ftdi-bitbang copied to clipboard
Bitbang interfacing through FTx232 chips
NOTE: Current master branch (version 1) will not get any updates anymore. I am working on version 2 of these tools since I got fed up with the hard maintainability of the old code written over last decade. I will release the new version to master branch when I am happy with the new code.
UPDATE (2022-05): v2 was in good progress but I have been busy with other things, maybe someday it is finished
Command line tools
- ftdi-bitbang
- ftdi-control
- ftdi-hd44780
- ftdi-simple-capture
- ftdi-spi (coming, does not work yet)
- libftdi-bitbang
- libftdi-hd44780
~/ftdi-bitbang$ ./autogen.sh
~/ftdi-bitbang$ make
~/ftdi-bitbang$ make install
Or in debian based platforms you can generate debian package:
~/ftdi-bitbang$ ./autogen.sh deb
~/ftdi-bitbang$ sudo dpkg -i debian/ftdi-bitbang-VERSION-BUILD-ARCH.deb
Simple command line bitbang interface to FTDI FTx232 chips.
ftdi-bitbang [options]
Definitions for options:
ID = hexadecimal word
PIN = decimal between 0 and 15
INTERFACE = integer between 1 and 4 depending on device type
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --vid=ID usb vendor id
-P, --pid=ID usb product id
as default vid and pid are zero, so any first compatible ftdi device is used
-D, --description=STRING usb description (product) to use for opening right device, default none
-S, --serial=STRING usb serial to use for opening right device, default none
-I, --interface=INTERFACE ftx232 interface number, defaults to first
-U, --usbid=ID usbid to use for opening right device (sysfs format, e.g. 1-2.3), default none
-R, --reset do usb reset on the device at start
-L, --list list devices that can be found with given parameters
-s, --set=PIN given pin as output and one
-c, --clr=PIN given pin as output and zero
-i, --inp=PIN given pin as input
multiple -s, -c and -i options can be given
-r, --read read pin states, output hexadecimal word
--read=PIN read single pin, output binary 0 or 1
Basic control and eeprom routines for FTDI FTx232 chips.
ftdi-control [options]
Definitions for options:
ID = hexadecimal word
PIN = decimal between 0 and 15
INTERFACE = integer between 1 and 4 depending on device type
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --vid=ID usb vendor id
-P, --pid=ID usb product id
as default vid and pid are zero, so any first compatible ftdi device is used
-D, --description=STRING usb description (product) to use for opening right device, default none
-S, --serial=STRING usb serial to use for opening right device, default none
-I, --interface=INTERFACE ftx232 interface number, defaults to first
-U, --usbid=ID usbid to use for opening right device (sysfs format, e.g. 1-2.3), default none
-R, --reset do usb reset on the device at start
-L, --list list devices that can be found with given parameters
-E, --ee-erase erase eeprom, sometimes needed if eeprom has already been initialized
-N, --ee-init erase and initialize eeprom with defaults
-o, --ee-decode read eeprom and print decoded information
-m, --ee-manufacturer=STRING
write manufacturer string
-d, --ee-description=STRING
write description (product) string
-s, --ee-serial=STRING write serial string
-l, --ee-serial-len=LENGTH pad serial with randomized ascii letters and numbers to this length (upper case)
-x, --ee-serial-hex=LENGTH pad serial with randomized hex to this length (upper case)
-n, --ee-serial-dec=LENGTH pad serial with randomized numbers to this length
-p, --ee-bus-power=INT bus power drawn by the device (100-500 mA)
Use HD44780 based LCD displays in 4-bit mode through FTDI FTx232 chips with this command.
ftdi-hd44780 [options]
Definitions for options:
ID = hexadecimal word
PIN = decimal between 0 and 15
INTERFACE = integer between 1 and 4 depending on device type
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --vid=ID usb vendor id
-P, --pid=ID usb product id
as default vid and pid are zero, so any first compatible ftdi device is used
-D, --description=STRING usb description (product) to use for opening right device, default none
-S, --serial=STRING usb serial to use for opening right device, default none
-I, --interface=INTERFACE ftx232 interface number, defaults to first
-R, --reset do usb reset on the device at start
-m, --mode=STRING set device bitmode, use 'bitbang' or 'mpsse', default is 'bitbang'
for bitbang mode the baud rate is fixed to 1 MHz for now
-i, --init initialize hd44780 lcd, usually needed only once at first
-4, --d4=PIN data pin 4, default pin is 0
-5, --d5=PIN data pin 5, default pin is 1
-6, --d6=PIN data pin 6, default pin is 2
-7, --d7=PIN data pin 7, default pin is 3
-e, --en=PIN enable pin, default pin is 4
-r, --rw=PIN read/write pin, default pin is 5
-s, --rs=PIN register select pin, default pin is 6
-b, --command=BYTE send raw hd44780 command, decimal or hexadecimal (0x) byte
multiple commands can be given, they are run before any later commands described here
-C, --clear clear display
-M, --home move cursor home
-c, --cursor=VALUE cursor on/off and blink, accepts value between 0-3
-t, --text=STRING write given text to display
-l, --line=VALUE move cursor to given line, value between 0-3
Do simple digital data capturing using FTDI FTx232 chips. Can be used to analyze digital circuit with or without trigger. Example use case would be to capture IR signal at pin #0, trigger on rising edge and capture 500 mS, then feeding it to external script which would filter it as ones and zeroes and so on.
ftdi-simple-capture [options]
Definitions for options:
ID = hexadecimal word
PIN = decimal between 0 and 15
INTERFACE = integer between 1 and 4 depending on device type
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --vid=ID usb vendor id
-P, --pid=ID usb product id
as default vid and pid are zero, so any first compatible ftdi device is used
-D, --description=STRING usb description (product) to use for opening right device, default none
-S, --serial=STRING usb serial to use for opening right device, default none
-I, --interface=INTERFACE ftx232 interface number, defaults to first
-U, --usbid=ID usbid to use for opening right device (sysfs format, e.g. 1-2.3), default none
-R, --reset do usb reset on the device at start
-L, --list list devices that can be found with given parameters
-p, --pins=PINS[0-7] pins to capture, default is '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7'
-t, --trigger=PIN[0-7]:EDGE
trigger from pin on rising or falling edge (EDGE = r or f),
if trigger is not set, sampling will start immediately
-s, --speed=INT sampling speed, default 1000000 (1 MS/s)
-l, --time=FLOAT sample for this many seconds, default 1 second
Simple capture command for FTDI FTx232 chips.
Uses bitbang mode so only ADBUS (pins 0-7) can be sampled.