Results 151 comments of Alex Ehlke

Is there a link to this on the roadmap visible anywhere? Thanks

fyi also, if the path has whitespace in it, mecab will not accept it

Ideally we can just supply our own custom view, with its own height.

did you figure it out? this is worrisome

I also just ran into this with a UUID PK. I'm looking into it.

First off I see that IceCream treats insertions and modifications to the realm db the same: whereas SyncKit treats them specially. I think this may be a mistake and...

I've fixed it with defensive coding in my fork, BigSyncKit: I collapsed .new and .changed into .newOrChanged and then allowed the realm.add to update an existing object at the...

Any newer thoughts on how to implement this? 1.5m records isn't that much on modern devices. I'm thinking that because realm-swift already requires relationships to be optional (afaik), this lib...

Thanks for elaborating!

why is the bot marking contributions as staler than the project itself :(