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How to use this library for Nullable types in table?
I have the following table:
pub mod sql_types {
#[derive(diesel::query_builder::QueryId, diesel::sql_types::SqlType)]
#[diesel(postgres_type(name = "result_t"))]
pub struct ResultT;
diesel::table! {
use diesel::sql_types::*;
use super::sql_types::ResultT;
jobs (id) {
id -> Varchar,
name -> Varchar,
blob_digest -> Varchar,
converter_result -> Nullable<ResultT>,
converter_log -> Nullable<Text>,
and I use the following:
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, diesel_derive_enum::DbEnum)]
#[ExistingTypePath = "crate::schema::sql_types::ResultT"]
pub enum ConverterResult {
But this does not work because of the Nullable
, I looked at the tests, but did not find out how it works for Nullables.... How can I use this. It would help to directly put that into the demo in the README.md maybe.
What query are you using and what error are you getting? It certainly should work. The tests for nullables are here: https://github.com/adwhit/diesel-derive-enum/blob/master/tests/src/nullable.rs