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Convenient way for manually writing examples
Writing example Commands
by hand (when developing the tests, or when wanting to save particular generated tests) is a bit inconvenient. Not only does Commands
capture the result of the mock implementation (and so when the model changes, we have to update our examples, if even if the commands are still the same), we also have to manually deal with references. To make this a bit more convenient, I wrote the following helper, which I find rather neat:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Test.Util.QSM (
Example -- opaque
, run
, run'
, example
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Typeable
import Test.StateMachine.Sequential
import Test.StateMachine.Types
import qualified Test.StateMachine.Types.Rank2 as Rank2
data Example cmd a =
Done a
| Run (cmd Symbolic) ([Var] -> Example cmd a)
| Fail String
instance Functor (Example cmd) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Example cmd) where
pure = Done
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Example cmd) where
return = pure
Done a >>= f = f a
Run c k >>= f = Run c (k >=> f)
Fail err >>= _ = Fail err
instance MonadFail (Example cmd) where
fail = Fail
-- | Run a command, and capture its references
run :: Typeable a => cmd Symbolic -> Example cmd [Reference a Symbolic]
run cmd = Run cmd (Done . map (Reference . Symbolic))
-- | Run a command, ignoring its references
run' :: cmd Symbolic -> Example cmd ()
run' cmd = Run cmd (\_vars -> Done ())
example :: forall model cmd m resp. Rank2.Foldable resp
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> Example cmd ()
-> Commands cmd resp
example sm =
Commands . fst . flip runGenSym newCounter . go (initModel sm)
go :: model Symbolic -> Example cmd () -> GenSym [Command cmd resp]
go _ (Done ()) = return []
go _ (Fail err) = error $ "example: " ++ err
go m (Run cmd k) = do
resp <- mock sm m cmd
let m' :: model Symbolic
m' = transition sm m cmd resp
vars :: [Var]
vars = getUsedVars resp
cmd' :: Command cmd resp
cmd' = Command cmd resp vars
(cmd' :) <$> go m' (k vars)
For example, I am currently working on some tests to do with threads, killing them, etc. Here are some manually written Commands
_forkCount :: Commands (At IO Cmd) (At IO Success)
_forkCount = example sm' $ do
run' $ At $ Fork
run' $ At $ CountTopLevel
_forkKillCount :: Commands (At IO Cmd) (At IO Success)
_forkKillCount = example sm' $ do
[tid] <- run $ At Fork
run' $ At $ Kill tid
run' $ At $ CountTopLevel
Quite nice, I think. Might be worth adding to the library?
Slightly better version perhaps, checking preconditions:
example :: forall model cmd m resp. (Rank2.Foldable resp, Show (cmd Symbolic))
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> Example cmd ()
-> Commands cmd resp
example sm =
Commands . fst . flip runGenSym newCounter . go (initModel sm)
go :: model Symbolic -> Example cmd () -> GenSym [Command cmd resp]
go _ (Done ()) = return []
go _ (Fail err) = error $ "example: " ++ err
go m (Run cmd k) = do
case Logic.logic (precondition sm m cmd) of
Logic.VFalse counterexample ->
error $ "Invalid command " ++ show cmd ++ ": " ++ show counterexample
Logic.VTrue -> do
resp <- mock sm m cmd
let m' :: model Symbolic
m' = transition sm m cmd resp
vars :: [Var]
vars = getUsedVars resp
cmd' :: Command cmd resp
cmd' = Command cmd resp vars
(cmd' :) <$> go m' (k vars)
+1 from me on this. I had also found it inconvenient to write manual commands.
Might be worth adding to the library?
Neat, sure!
I think Free Monad may also be used:
data ExampleF cmd a =
| Run (cmd Symbolic) ([Var] -> a)
| Fail String
deriving Functor
type Example cmd = Free (ExampleF cmd)
instance MonadFail (Example cmd) where
fail = liftF . Fail
But maybe is an overkill?
It would just change the example right? I don't feel very strongly about that, though personally I generally find code that doesn't use the free monad package easier to understand, and performance for these commands is not going to be critical (if your tests are slow because are generating so many commands that you need a better performing interpreter, then the interpreter is the least of your worries, I think :D ).