react-mobile-cropper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-mobile-cropper copied to clipboard

The react mobile cropper highly inspirited by popular Android mobile croppers.

React Mobile Cropper

The react mobile cropper is highly inspirited by popular Android mobile croppers. It was created as the demonstration of react-advanced-cropper possibilities and uses it under the hood. Therefore, its documentation would be helpful in the edge cases.

Demo / Sandbox

NPM Downloads


npm install --save react-mobile-cropper
yarn add react-mobile-cropper


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CropperRef, Cropper } from 'react-mobile-cropper';
import 'react-mobile-cropper/dist/style.css'

export const GettingStartedExample = () => {
    const [image, setImage] = useState(

    const onChange = (cropper: CropperRef) => {
        console.log(cropper.getCoordinates(), cropper.getCanvas());

    return (


How to change the cropper's main color?

To change the cropper's main color you should redefine color property for the cropper.

.cropper {
	color: red;


Prop Type Description Default
src string The cropping image (link / base64)
stencilType 'circle', 'rectangle' The type of stencil 'rectangle'
stencilComponent Component The stencil component RectangleStencil
stencilProps object The props for the stencil component {}
className string The optional class for the root cropper block
imageClassName string The optional class for the cropping image
boundaryClassName string The optional class for the area.
backgroundClassName string The optional class for the background under the image
transitions boolean, object Enable / disable auto zoom false
canvas boolean The flag that indicates if canvas should be used true
minWidth number The minimum width of the stencil (percents)
minHeight number The minimum height of the stencil (percents)
maxWidth number The maximum width of the stencil (percents)
maxHeight number The maximum height of the stencil (percents)
checkOrientation boolean Check if EXIF orientation should be checked true
resizeImage boolean, object The options for the image resizing (details) true
moveImage boolean, object The options for the image moving (details) true
imageRestriction string Set restrictions for image position ('stencil', 'none') 'stencil'
defaultSize object, Function The function that returns the default size of the stencil or object
defaultPosition object, Function The function that returns the default position of the stencil or object

See the documentation for more props and details. Notice, in this cropper props transitions, priority, and stencilSize are not available.


Prop Type Description Default
aspectRatio number The aspect ratio
minAspectRatio number The minimum aspect ratio
maxAspectRatio number The maximum aspect ratio
className string The class for root block of the stencil component
previewClassName string The class for the preview component
movingClassName string The class applied when user drag the stencil
resizingClassName string The class applied when user resize the stencil
boundingBoxClass string The class for the bounding box component
handlerComponent Component The handler component
handlers object The object of handlers that should be visible or hidden.
handlerClassNames object The object of custom handler classes
handlerWrapperClassNames object The object of custom handler wrapper classes
lineComponent Component The handler component
lines object The object of lines that should be visible or hidden.
lineClassNames object The object of custom line classes
lineWrapperClassNames object The object of custom line wrapper classes

See the documentation for more props and details.


The source code of this library is licensed under MIT, the documentation content belongs to Norserium, except the photos that belong to their respective owners.