@chriskinsman the following fixed the search issue for me in package.json replace the google-play-scraper 8.1.0 with the following: "google-play-scraper": "git+",
Hello All, I was able to fix the search on my end. (code to follow- not sure about my qualities to perform an actual PR) The fix checks if there...
@dave-filion this is the search class (with my modifications) under lib folder (i'm away so can't fork/branch) replace yours with this code and search will work for you. ``` 'use...
@marty0678 are you able to run your library on Linux? I would like run on AWS but failed to do so. when i tried on my mac (brew python 3.10)...
i would suggest join forces between 89z and this project, since 89z managed to overcome the login issue, maybe he can help here on this project?
same here... what a nightmare. tried multiple accounts/app specific but nothing worked. Yesterday google announced some changed to the playstore agreement... maybe its related?
great!!!!!! thanks for sharing. do you know if its possible to get the split option? i can't see it in the USAGE text.
@Croodo are you able to run it with single credential? for the past 4 days there is an issue with login to playstore api. are you not facing it?
Hello Gabriel, Thanks for the tip. I guess you are aware that i the past few days there is an issue with anything related to login on the gplayapi. Are...
Hi, Whenever I configure a new user to download the apk i get an alert on my google account and then I approve that the new login was done by...