adsonpleal I've made some modifications, WDYT? What I've changed: 1 - Don't show the container label if there is only one container. 2 - Changed the providers list header to...
About the family not being editable: They are, since I'm using the same viewer as the state. I just tested here and you can just edit a value if it...
And about text wrap: just added a way to wrap if there is no room for the name.
> Epic > > A nit point would be to rename 'container" into providerContainer to be more specific. But otherwise LGTM You mean written like `ProviderContainer`, just like the class?
And what about the header? Should we keep `Containers` or change to `ProviderContainers` ?
Done, now I just need to work on the `editable` flag for `InstanceViewer`.
done, let me know if you think anything can be improved.
I'm one of those weird ones that don't use social media haha. I have a [linkedin]( profile, though. I think you could use it hehe.
Hey @rrousselGit! Do you have any updates on devtools for riverpod? I was reading your [post](, looking at [the code at the devtools package]( and [where the provider package]( sends...