rails_stimulus_flatpickr copied to clipboard
Advanced datepicking example app with Stimulus + Flatpickr + Turbolinks
Rails Showcase of Stimulus-Flatpickr wrapper
This project is in support of the article I published on dev.to https://dev.to/adrienpoly/introducing-stimulus-flatpickr-wrapper--5c23
This example shows how to use stimulus-flatpickr wrapper in a Rails app to have an advanced date picking solution with:
- localization of the datepicker 🌍
- localization of the date formats 🌍
- availabilities in the date picker 📅
- Fully boosted with Turbolinks 🚀
What does it takes to make this app
The date picker field
<%= form_with model: appointment do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :start_at,
placeholder: t(".select"),
data: {
controller: "flatpickr",
flatpickr_alt_format: t("date.formats.long"),
flatpickr_alt_input: true,
flatpickr_default_date: appointment.start_at,
flatpickr_locale: locale,
flatpickr_show_months: 2,
flatpickr_min_date: Time.zone.now,
flatpickr_max_date: Time.zone.now + 60.days,
flatpickr_disable: Appointment.up_comings(60).pluck(:start_at) - [appointment.start_at],
} %>
<% end %>
and the stimulus controller
import Flatpickr from "stimulus-flatpickr";
import Rails from "rails-ujs";
// import a theme (could be in your main CSS entry too...)
import "flatpickr/dist/themes/dark.css";
// import the translation files and create a translation mapping
import { French } from "flatpickr/dist/l10n/fr.js";
import { english } from "flatpickr/dist/l10n/default.js";
// create a new Stimulus controller by extending stimulus-flatpickr wrapper controller
export default class extends Flatpickr {
locales = {
fr: French,
en: english
connect() {
//define locale and global flatpickr settings for all datepickers
this.config = {
locale: this.locale,
altInput: true,
showMonths: 2
// automatically submit form when a date is selected
change(selectedDates, dateStr, instance) {
const form = this.element.closest("form");
Rails.fire(form, "submit");
get locale() {
if (this.locales && this.data.has("locale")) {
return this.locales[this.data.get("locale")];
} else {
return "";