torrent-rw copied to clipboard
php5 class to read and write .torrent files
Hi, This is more of a feature request. Could you please consider making it possible to scrape a UDP tracker for numbers, as a lot of trackers seem to be...
Warning: array_intersect_assoc(): at least 2 parameters are required, 1 given in /storage/ssd2/491/3580491/public_html/files/Torrent.php on line 710 Warning: array_diff_assoc(): Argument #2 is not an array in /storage/ssd2/491/3580491/public_html/files/Torrent.php on line 720 Warning: end()...
scraping a torrent returns false information
I don't have access to the server logs of the torrent site where these fail, but they do.
The integration of the DirectoryIterator offers a higher level of processing and allows you to skip hidden files.
Hi I'm getting the errors PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 55 seconds exceeded in /home/mojtaba/.rapidpich/lib/Torrent.class.php on line 531 it's not always the same lines however I get repeated...
Please is there any hope to convert this code to javascript for easy distribution.