Simple-Debug-PHP-Class icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Simple-Debug-PHP-Class copied to clipboard

Custom error/exception handlers with styled display (trace/scope), logging & chrono tools

How to use it

Easy, just include the class file and it automatically replace the default error & exception handlers!

Log any message / variable / data.

Debug::log( 'message', $var1, $var2, ... ); // log as much data as you want
Debug::dump( 'message', $var1, $var2, ... ); // log and exit

Use and display chrono.

Debug::chrono(); // set the timer
Debug::chrono('your message'); // display your message & time elapsed since last chrono call
Debug::chrono(true); // display a table with all messages & times

Use several chrono at the same time by passing chrono name as second argument.

Debug::chrono( null, 'chrono1' ); // set the timer of chrono 1
Debug::chrono( null, 'chrono2' ); // set the timer of chrono 2
usleep( 5000 );
Debug::chrono( 'your message 1', 'chrono1' ); // display message & time since last chrono 1 call
usleep( 5000 );
Debug::chrono( 'your message 2', 'chrono2' ); // display message & time since last chrono 2 call

Debug::chrono( true, 'chrono1' ); // display a table with all messages & times of chrono 1
Debug::chrono( true, 'chrono2' ); // display a table with all messages & times of chrono 2

There is also (very) short alias functions.

l() === Debug::log();
d() === Debug::dump();
c() === Debug::chrono();

Turn the display of error, logs and chrono on & off at runtine.

Debug::reporting( false ); // turn off
// Activate debug and show all error informations (stack trace and context) on given error level
Debug::reporting( E_ALL ); 

Customize error / log and chrono style by modifying Debug::$style

Debug::$style[ 'debug' ]  = 'font-size:2em'; // Applied on all displayed items
Debug::$style[ 'error' ]  = 'border:1px solid red'; // Custom style on error
Debug::$style[ 'log' ]    = 'border:1px solid #blue'; // Custom style on log
Debug::$style[ 'chrono' ] = 'border:1px solid #green'; // Custom style on chrono
// See source for complete list of styles

Debug registers custom error & exception handlers (on file inclusion), to unregister custom handlers.

Debug::register( false );
// and of course register it again

Error display template

[Error Type]: [Full Error message] in [path and filename] on line xxx
Stack trace:
#0 [path and filename](xxx): [code where error occured]
#1 [path and filename](xxx): [Function call backtrace]
#2 [path and filename](xxx): [Function call backtrace]
#3 {main}
$var1 = [value];
$var2 = [value];

Chrono display template

 chrono init [name]
 -> message 1: x.xxxs
 -> message 2: x.xxxs
 -> message n: x.xxxs
chrono table [name]
 unit - action                                 duration
    1 - message 1                                x.xxxs
 x.xx - message 2                                x.xxxs
 x.xx - message n                                x.xxxs