Results 31 comments of Adrien Brault

FYI there is a `link()` function available with the expression language The only reason I could see for `Relation` on attribute would be to infer the content of what...

So I think that allowing `@Relation` on attributes makes sense (I wonder if that should be allowed in yaml/xml). If the name is not set, it would use the attribute...

@alexander-schranz Feel free to open a pull request with your proposal and a new test case 😃

@Kureev I am, but I still need the current velocity to be passed to the animationFunction

Good point. This should work: ``` php use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource; $serviceDescriptionPath = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/client.json'; $container->addResource(new FileResource($serviceDescriptionPath)); $container->setParameter( '', json_decode(file_get_contents($serviceDescriptionPath), true) ); ```

Hey, for anyone interested in psalm/phpstan support, there is an alternative to this library that has generics: [azjezz/psl]( - -

Would be nice if the `Modelfile` supported remote GGUFs: ``` FROM ```

Less than an hour after my feedback there is a fix, wow!! Thank you