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Add ability to using miscellaneous Navigator

Open Velord opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments


This is further discussion of We ended with the following statements:

  1. Internal stable API can not be changed. Such as Stack API.
  2. Everything should be added as Extensions on top of the Core APIs
  3. Backward compatibility is a must

I added possibility to write and change custom Navigator with simple ONE line of a code.

public typealias NavigatorCreator = (
    screens: List<Screen>,
    key: String,
    stateHolder: SaveableStateHolder,
    disposeBehavior: NavigatorDisposeBehavior,
    parent: Navigator?
) -> Navigator

// Choose your Navigator or leave default
public fun summonNavigatorCreator(): NavigatorCreator = DefaultNavigatorCreator()

Navigator now is abstract class that I leave as it is. Introduced 2 New navigators:

  1. DefaultNavigator. It is just wrapper around Navigator
  2. ExtendedNavigator. Resolves the issue of screen and action based transition. Marked as @ExperimentalVoyagerApi. Implements idea of


  1. Added possibility to replace Navigator. Navigator now is abstraction that everyone can work with.
  2. Added Screen and StackAction based transition simultaneously by ExtendedNavigator.
  3. Added demo "Transition" that shows what that approach could bring.


  1. Screen and StackAction based transition limited to the LAST SCREEN. You can't take any screen. More examples when and where it wiill come in handy check this:

Please @DevSrSouza make a glance.

Velord avatar Feb 06 '24 16:02 Velord

The API currently, for creating a custom Navigator is flexible enough, example:

public val LocalMyCustomNavigator: ProvidableCompositionLocal<MyCustomNavigator?> =
    staticCompositionLocalOf { null }

interface MyCustomScreenType : Screen {
    val header: @Composable () -> Header

class MyCustomNavigator(
    val voyagerNavigator: Navigator
) : Stack<MyCustomScreenType> by navigator as Stack<MyCustomScreenType> {

   public val lastItem: MyCustomScreenType by derivedStateOf {
        lastItemOrNull ?: error("MyCustomNavigator has no screen")

   fun yourOwnNavigatorFunctions() {}

fun MyCustomNavigator(initialScreen: MyCustomScreenType) {
   Navigator(initialScreen, ....) { navigator ->
       val myCustomNavigator = remember(navigator) { MyCustomNavigator(navigator) }
       CompositionLocalProvider(LocalMyCustomNavigator provides myCustomNavigator) {
               topBar = { myCustomNavigator.lastItem.header() }
               content = { CurrentScreen() }

DevSrSouza avatar Feb 06 '24 18:02 DevSrSouza

Indeed you can create your own Navigator. But my code is focused to add flexibility in Navigator itself level. Not at his child level, nor who will use it as parameter level, nor who wanna create Navigator directly level. Please, take a look at this picture Navigator2

What do you think could it add more control and flexibility for users ?

Velord avatar Feb 06 '24 19:02 Velord

The examples that I shared before does not require to change anything on the navigator, you can accomplish what you want to do it this and also, the issues that this PR fixes, the code snippet that I have shared using targetState & initialState already cover the cases, so I don't know why we need this API, even if adds more flexibility, I don't see the uses cases that the currently API does not already have.

TabNavigator, BottomSheetNavigator are pretty simple implementations for "Custom Navigators", they are so simple that you can replicate it pretty easy and customize as far as you want, so, adding de ability to Voyager custom navigators extension have a "custom navigator factory", I don't see much use cases for that and at the sametime, increase alot the complexity of the Core API of the Navigator, and complexity is the main point that the library is trying to move away.

DevSrSouza avatar Feb 06 '24 23:02 DevSrSouza

"targetState & initialState already cover the cases" - its closed.

"TabNavigator, BottomSheetNavigator, MyCustomNavigator" - they are focused to add functionality on UI application level. They add some UI features for user experience.

Contrary to that "custom navigator factory" - is aiming to add flexibility on business logic level inside Navigator. The whole lib that focuses on UI features will be working as it works now without knowing what is the current implementation of Navigator is used.

" I don't see the uses cases that the currently API does not already have." - let's review some of them.

  1. Realism 100%. We need to write A/B tests. We obtain app configuration. Some users based on that configuration must be placed in specific feature. Inside that feature we need to log every movement of the user. Also it can be custom movement. For example track user only when he go back. Implementation could be that
            val appconfig = // get config
            val user = // get user
            val navigator = if (appconfig.isUserMustGoToFeatureX) {
            } else {
            summonNavigatorCreator = navigator
            Navigator(Screen) {
                // transition

Every Navigator after that will be with trackable feature. We don't need to change in specific places certain Navigator.

  1. Realism 95%. We are developing big/medium FInTech app. We carefully pay attention to user safety. His money are our top priority. Let's consider user behaviour. User don't move or away from device. When this happens we need to clear all screens and place user to the login/relogin flow. You could see that behaviour in almost every bank app or stock trading market or crypto wallet. Implementation could be that
val min5InMilliSeconds = 1000 * 60 * 5L
// There could be originScreen: Screen as a parameter. It will be first Screen after reset.
summonNavigatorCreator = SelfResetNavigatorCreator(min5InMilliSeconds)
Navigator(TransitionScreen) {

private class SelfResetNavigator @InternalVoyagerApi constructor(
    val resetAfter: Long,
) : Navigator(screens, key, stateHolder, disposeBehavior, parent, stack) {

    private val timeStamp = MutableSharedFlow<Unit>(
        extraBufferCapacity = 1,
        onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST

    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Job() + Dispatchers.Default)

    init {

    private fun observeTimeStamp() {
        scope.launch {
            timeStamp.collectLatest {
                if (canPop) {

    override fun push(item: Screen) {
    // other functions

  1. Realism 0.1%.. Voyager team decided to add some new(or replace existent) Navigator as a standard library. Also it could help rework(make simpler) Stack API without additional pain.

A added SelfResetNavigator as example to PR to see how it might works. Delay is 5 sec.

Are there relevant use cases ? What do you think ?

Velord avatar Feb 07 '24 12:02 Velord