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Passing styled-components as props results in large snapshots
Happens when passing components created using the styled-components library as props.
For example:
meta={Object {}}
Object {
"$$typeof": Symbol(react.forward_ref),
"attrs": Array [],
"componentStyle": ComponentStyle {
"componentId": "DefaultWrapper-sc-15lfxc7-0",
"isStatic": true,
"rules": Array [
"displayName": "DefaultWrapper",
"foldedComponentIds": Array [],
"render": [Function],
"styledComponentId": "DefaultWrapper-sc-15lfxc7-0",
"target": "div",
"toString": [Function],
"warnTooManyClasses": [Function],
"withComponent": [Function],
This also has the nasty side effect of requiring a snapshot update whenever any of the styling rules on the prop being passed are changed. Would be nice if it just said Object {}
Is there any way around this?
Just for a bit more context, I noticed this became a problem on another project once I updated styled-components
to v4, which seems to change the prop from a function to an object (this is the snapshot):