Hi @jzju Thank you for reporting the issue. Indeed there is a problem here. (select is overwritten on each mouse selection) EDITED after re-check.
Hi @jzju Yes, you are correct. When I tested it previously on v. 11, it seemed to be working as you wanted, but it must have been some error as...
Hi @olosegres Thank you for reporting this. It looks to me like the issue is connected to the state manager, which is weird as we addressed that problem in the...
Hi @olosegres I have investigated your issue further, but I didn't find related to the configuration, so the problem must lie deeper. I added needed labels so our developers will...
Hi @olosegres We re-checked this issue as we are currently working on improving our React experience, and we discovered that it lies within our React wrapper. To be more precise,...
Hi @olosegres Thank you for that. I'll propose it to our development team, and then we decide. I'll update you.
Hi @fenrir-liutiecheng Can you please tell me what your Handsontable settings object looks like and which version you use? I tested it following your steps on the newest version of...
Hi @fenrir-liutiecheng Thank you for the settings. However, there are some missing parts and I can't reproduce the issue. Here is an example with the settings that could be reproduced...
Hi @fenrir-liutiecheng Let's clear out a few more things. What are your browser and operating system?
Hi @fenrir-liutiecheng Sorry for the late response. We finally managed to reproduce the issue. It turned out that the reason for this is that our internal `CopyPaste` plugin copies and...