Hi @ottosson Once again, thank you for all the details. We appreciate it, and I'm sure those will be helpful for our developers during the fixing process.
Hi @iHearty Thank you for contacting us. It looks like you are missing the part where you update the data in the table. There are three methods available to do...
Hi @baixjian Please provide more details about the issue.
Hi @ranzis Thank you for contacting us. I just checked Handsontable 14.0 in a local React project with Webpack and got no errors. Can you share your repository for us...
@ranzis Yes, it shouldn't cause any problems.
Hi @Timppe I am not able to reproduce this issue on my side. However, I see that you modified the styling of the core Handsontable elements, which is not recommended....
Hi @Timppe Thank you for the recording. However, we are still not able to get the same results. We'll try to do more tests, and I'll update you about the...
Hi @Timppe I was finally able to get the same results as you. However, as I mentioned before, you are modifying core Handsontable styling, which is highly not recommended by...
Hi @samsullivan Thank you for catching it and for the suggestion. I'll report it internally to our developers for further investigation.
Hi @hoonyog Thank you for contacting us. We have this issue already reported internally. I'll link yours there, as your recording helpfully shows the problem.