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project_e_commerce copied to clipboard

customer payload object sent to Stripe is empty. shippingData not being set in PaymentForm.jsx 422 error

Open rjmead23 opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

I'm about 3/4 of the way through the video and really enjoying it so far. I'm struggling with the ShippingData part. For some reason it doesn't look like the FormInput fields are being set in shippingData request payload to api.chec - As you can see its an empty object below

{,…} customer: {} fulfillment: {shipping_method: "ship_p6dP5gbmYon7kA"} line_items: [{id: "item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V", product_id: "prod_Kvg9l61n0d51bB", name: "Robin Hood",…},…] payment: {gateway: "stripe", stripe: {payment_method_id: "pm_1KhaFELTXNlEjoivg8TNLkUu"}} shipping: {name: "Primary", county_state: "IA", country: "US"}

{"status_code":422,"error":{"message":"The given data was invalid.","type":"unprocessable_entity","errors":{"":["The Email field is required when is not present."],"shipping.street":["The Shipping street address field is required when is not present."],"shipping.town_city":["The Shipping town\/city field is required when is not present."]}},

Only the fields that have a set like SetShippingCountries are being passed to the ShippingData.. The other values that come from the onSubmit are not being populated - The fields shown below do not pass into customer or shipping.

<FormInput name='firstName' label='First name' /> <FormInput name='lastName' label='Last name' /> <FormInput name='address1' label='Address line 1' /> <FormInput name='email' label='Email' /> <FormInput name='city' label='City' /> <FormInput name='zip' label='ZIP / Postal Code' />

Here's my AddressForm.jsx `import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { InputLabel, Select, MenuItem, Button, Grid, Typography, } from '@material-ui/core';

import { useForm, FormProvider } from 'react-hook-form'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import { commerce } from '../../lib/commerce'; import FormInput from './CustomTextField';

const AddressForm = ({ checkoutToken, test }) => { const [shippingCountries, setShippingCountries] = useState([]); const [shippingCountry, setShippingCountry] = useState(''); const [shippingSubdivisions, setShippingSubdivisions] = useState([]); const [shippingSubdivision, setShippingSubdivision] = useState(''); const [shippingOptions, setShippingOptions] = useState([]); const [shippingOption, setShippingOption] = useState(''); const methods = useForm();

const countries = Object.entries(shippingCountries).map(([code, name]) => ({ id: code, label: name, }));

const subdivisions = Object.entries(shippingSubdivisions).map( ([code, name]) => ({ id: code, label: name, }) );

const options = => ({ id:, label: ${so.description} - (${so.price.formatted_with_symbol}), }));

const fetchShippingCountries = async (checkoutTokenId) => { const { countries } = await checkoutTokenId );

// console.log(countries);


const fetchSubdivisions = async (countryCode) => { const { subdivisions } = await countryCode );



const fetchShippingOptions = async ( checkoutTokenId, country, // region = null stateProvince ) => { const options = await commerce.checkout.getShippingOptions( checkoutTokenId, { country, stateProvince } );



useEffect(() => { fetchShippingCountries(; }, []);

useEffect(() => { if (shippingCountry) fetchSubdivisions(shippingCountry); }, [shippingCountry]);

useEffect(() => { if (shippingSubdivision) fetchShippingOptions(, shippingCountry, shippingSubdivision ); }, [shippingSubdivision]);

return ( <> <Typography variant='h6' gutterBottom> Shipping Address </Typography> <FormProvider {...methods}> <form onSubmit={methods.handleSubmit((data) => test({, shippingCountry, shippingSubdivision, shippingOption, }) )} > <Grid container spacing={3}> <FormInput name='firstName' label='First name' /> <FormInput name='lastName' label='Last name' /> <FormInput name='address1' label='Address line 1' /> <FormInput name='email' label='Email' /> <FormInput name='city' label='City' /> <FormInput name='zip' label='ZIP / Postal Code' /> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}> <InputLabel>Shipping Country</InputLabel> <Select value={shippingCountry} fullwidth='true' onChange={(e) => setShippingCountry(} > { => ( <MenuItem key={} value={}> {country.label} </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </Grid> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}> <InputLabel>Shipping Subdivision</InputLabel> <Select value={shippingSubdivision} fullwidth='true' onChange={(e) => setShippingSubdivision(} > { => ( <MenuItem key={} value={}> {subdivision.label} </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </Grid> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}> <InputLabel>Shipping Options</InputLabel> <Select value={shippingOption} fullwidth='true' onChange={(e) => setShippingOption(} > { => ( <MenuItem key={} value={}> {option.label} </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </Grid> </Grid>
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Button component={Link} to='/cart' variant='outlined'> Back to Cart </Button> <Button type='submit' variant='contained' color='primary'> Next </Button> </FormProvider> </> ); };

export default AddressForm; ` Here's my PaymentForm.jsx

`import React from 'react'; import { Typography, Button, Divider } from '@material-ui/core'; import { Elements, CardElement, ElementsConsumer, } from '@stripe/react-stripe-js'; import { loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js';

import Review from './Review';

const stripePromise = loadStripe(process.env.REACT_APP_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY);

const PaymentForm = ({ checkoutToken, backStep, nextStep, shippingData, onCaptureCheckout, }) => { const handleSubmit = async (event, elements, stripe) => { event.preventDefault();

if (!stripe || !elements) return;

const cardElement = elements.getElement(CardElement);

const { error, paymentMethod } = await stripe.createPaymentMethod({
  type: 'card',
  card: cardElement,

if (error) {
  console.log('[error]', error);
} else {
  const orderData = {
    customer: {
      firstname: shippingData.firstName,
      lastname: shippingData.lastName,
      // firstname: 'John',
      // lastname: 'Smith',
      // email: '[email protected]',
    shipping: {
      name: 'Primary',
      street: shippingData.address1,
      county_state: shippingData.shippingSubdivision,
      country: shippingData.shippingCountry,
    fulfillment: { shipping_method: shippingData.shippingOption },
    payment: {
      gateway: 'stripe',
      stripe: {
  onCaptureCheckout(, orderData);



return ( <> <Review checkoutToken={checkoutToken} /> <Divider /> <Typography variant='h6' gutterBottom style={{ margin: '20px 0' }}> Payment method </Typography> <Elements stripe={stripePromise}> <ElementsConsumer> {({ elements, stripe }) => ( <form onSubmit={(e) => handleSubmit(e, elements, stripe)}> <CardElement />

<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Button variant='outlined' onClick={backStep}> Back </Button> <Button type='submit' variant='contained' disabled={!stripe} color='primary' > Pay {} </Button> )} </ElementsConsumer> </Elements> </> ); };

export default PaymentForm; `

Here's my app.js

`import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { commerce } from './lib/commerce'; import { Products, Navbar, Cart, Checkout, PageNotFound } from './components'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

const App = () => { const [products, setProducts] = useState([]); const [cart, setCart] = useState({}); const [order, setOrder] = useState({}); const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState('');

const fetchProducts = async () => { const { data } = await commerce.products.list(); setProducts(data); };

const fetchCart = async () => { setCart(await commerce.cart.retrieve()); };

const handleAddToCart = async (productId, quantity) => { const item = await commerce.cart.add(productId, quantity);



const handleUpdateCartQty = async (productId, quantity) => { const { cart } = await commerce.cart.update(productId, { quantity });



const handleRemoveFromCart = async (productId) => { const { cart } = await commerce.cart.remove(productId);



const handleEmptyCart = async () => { const { cart } = await commerce.cart.empty();



const refreshCart = async () => { const newCart = await commerce.cart.refresh();



const handleCaptureCheckout = async (checkoutTokenId, newOrder) => { try { console.log(HandleCaptureCheckout Function entered); const incomingOrder = await commerce.checkout.capture( checkoutTokenId, newOrder ); setOrder(incomingOrder); console.log(This is neworder ${newOrder}); console.log(This is incomingOrder ${incomingOrder});

} catch (error) {


useEffect(() => { fetchProducts(); fetchCart(); }, []);

//console.log(products); // console.log(cart);

return ( <Router>

<Navbar totalItems={cart.total_items} /> <Switch> <Route exact path='/'> <Products products={products} onAddToCart={handleAddToCart} /> </Route> <Route exact path='/cart'> <Cart cart={cart} handleUpdateCartQty={handleUpdateCartQty} handleRemoveFromCart={handleRemoveFromCart} handleEmptyCart={handleEmptyCart} /> </Route> <Route exact path='/checkout'> <Checkout cart={cart} order={order} onCaptureCheckout={handleCaptureCheckout} error={errorMessage} /> </Route> <Route component={PageNotFound}></Route> </Switch>
</Router> ); };

export default App; `

Here's my App.js

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { InputLabel, Select, MenuItem, Button, Grid, Typography, } from '@material-ui/core';

import { useForm, FormProvider } from 'react-hook-form'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import { commerce } from '../../lib/commerce'; import FormInput from './CustomTextField';

const AddressForm = ({ checkoutToken, test }) => { const [shippingCountries, setShippingCountries] = useState([]); const [shippingCountry, setShippingCountry] = useState(''); const [shippingSubdivisions, setShippingSubdivisions] = useState([]); const [shippingSubdivision, setShippingSubdivision] = useState(''); const [shippingOptions, setShippingOptions] = useState([]); const [shippingOption, setShippingOption] = useState(''); const methods = useForm();

const countries = Object.entries(shippingCountries).map(([code, name]) => ({ id: code, label: name, }));

const subdivisions = Object.entries(shippingSubdivisions).map( ([code, name]) => ({ id: code, label: name, }) );

const options = => ({ id:, label: ${so.description} - (${so.price.formatted_with_symbol}), }));

const fetchShippingCountries = async (checkoutTokenId) => { const { countries } = await checkoutTokenId );

// console.log(countries);


const fetchSubdivisions = async (countryCode) => { const { subdivisions } = await countryCode );



const fetchShippingOptions = async ( checkoutTokenId, country, // region = null stateProvince ) => { const options = await commerce.checkout.getShippingOptions( checkoutTokenId, { country, stateProvince } );



useEffect(() => { fetchShippingCountries(; }, []);

useEffect(() => { if (shippingCountry) fetchSubdivisions(shippingCountry); }, [shippingCountry]);

useEffect(() => { if (shippingSubdivision) fetchShippingOptions(, shippingCountry, shippingSubdivision ); }, [shippingSubdivision]);

return ( <> <Typography variant='h6' gutterBottom> Shipping Address </Typography> <FormProvider {...methods}> <form onSubmit={methods.handleSubmit((data) => test({, shippingCountry, shippingSubdivision, shippingOption, }) )} > <Grid container spacing={3}> <FormInput name='firstName' label='First name' /> <FormInput name='lastName' label='Last name' /> <FormInput name='address1' label='Address line 1' /> <FormInput name='email' label='Email' /> <FormInput name='city' label='City' /> <FormInput name='zip' label='ZIP / Postal Code' /> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}> <InputLabel>Shipping Country</InputLabel> <Select value={shippingCountry} fullwidth='true' onChange={(e) => setShippingCountry(} > { => ( <MenuItem key={} value={}> {country.label} </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </Grid> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}> <InputLabel>Shipping Subdivision</InputLabel> <Select value={shippingSubdivision} fullwidth='true' onChange={(e) => setShippingSubdivision(} > { => ( <MenuItem key={} value={}> {subdivision.label} </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </Grid> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}> <InputLabel>Shipping Options</InputLabel> <Select value={shippingOption} fullwidth='true' onChange={(e) => setShippingOption(} > { => ( <MenuItem key={} value={}> {option.label} </MenuItem> ))} </Select> </Grid> </Grid>
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Button component={Link} to='/cart' variant='outlined'> Back to Cart </Button> <Button type='submit' variant='contained' color='primary'> Next </Button> </FormProvider> </> ); };

export default AddressForm;

rjmead23 avatar Mar 26 '22 16:03 rjmead23

up please, same error image

Maaattqc avatar Mar 29 '22 23:03 Maaattqc

Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution for it? @Maaattqc - Were you able to figure out the problem with this?

rjmead23 avatar Apr 05 '22 19:04 rjmead23

@rjmead23 i still dont know :/

Maaattqc avatar Apr 05 '22 19:04 Maaattqc

@rjmead23 i still dont know :/

Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution for it? @Maaattqc - Were you able to figure out the problem with this?

I fixed the billing part by disabling billing in the products of chec. There is a toggle option when you edit your product items on their website to require billing address. I now am only having the issue of my customer {} object being empty.

TAKEYE01 avatar Apr 23 '22 14:04 TAKEYE01

I could fix the issue. I'm sure there are better solutions but I'm a react.js beginner so that's as good as I can do it.

I'm setting the values of the input fields like we did for the dropdowns. Check it out here:

This also means I had to update the AddressForm:

I'm using useState to save firstname, lastname etc

kwyjibo089 avatar Apr 24 '22 10:04 kwyjibo089

@rjmead23 did you find any fix for it

mehulpuri avatar Apr 30 '22 09:04 mehulpuri

fixing this issue, you must disable/toggle off the REQUIRE BILLING ADDRESS on all of your products in your commercejs account because you don't the fields for billing address you only have fields for names and shipping address

thiernoa98 avatar Dec 14 '22 07:12 thiernoa98