renamer copied to clipboard
Command line tool to rename multiple files at once.
A bulk renaming tool for files.
- Rename one or several patterns in your files using the powerful Rust regex engine.
- Add an increment as a prefix or suffix to files.
And, uh, it's pretty speedy I guess? I'm hoping it's cross platform too but so far I have only tested it on *nix systems.
Have a look at the releases page for pre-built binaries.
With Cargo.
$ cargo install renamer
renamer [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <pattern> <files>...
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry-run. Do everything but the actual renaming. Implies verbose
-f, --force Do not exit or ask for confirmation when overwriting files
-g, --global Test the regular expression against all possible matches instead of only the first
-h, --help Prints help information
--ignore-invalid-files Ignores directories passed to the program as files. Useful for shell globbing
-i, --interactive Ask for confirmation before overwrite. The program will otherwise exit unless --force
is passed
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Print operations as they are being performed
-e, --regexp <patterns>...
Additional patterns. These can be supplied multiple times. Patterns are executed in the order they are
passed, starting with the mandatory pattern
--prefix-increment <prefix-increment>
Prefix files with an increasing counter in the specified format. E.g. 0501 => 0501filename, 0502filename.
Applied after pattern replacements
--suffix-increment <suffix-increment>
See --prefix-increment. Will try to insert suffix before the file extension
<pattern> Regex pattern to match and the string to replace it with. (REGEX=REPLACEMENT)
<files>... Files to rename
Add a prefix or a file extension.
# Add a prefix
$ renamer '^=2020-07-18 ' img*
# Add an extension
$ renamer '$=.bak' file1 file2
# Change extension
$ renamer 'JPEG$=jpg' *.JPEG
# Multiple patterns. Change extension and remove a prefix.
$ renamer 'JPEG$=jpg' -e '^some_prefix_=' *
Rearrange parts of files. The following describes the various ways to use capture groups, including named groups.
$ renamer --verbose '(?P<index>\d{2}\.) (.*)\.(?P<ext>)=${index} Lady Gaga - $2.$ext' *.mp3
01. Chromatica I.mp3 -> 01. Lady Gaga - Chromatica I.mp3
02. Alice.mp3 -> 02. Lady Gaga - Alice.mp3
03. Stupid Love.mp3 -> 03. Lady Gaga - Stupid Love.mp3
04. Rain On Me.mp3 -> 04. Lady Gaga - Rain On Me.mp3
05. Free Woman.mp3 -> 05. Lady Gaga - Free Woman.mp3
06. Fun Tonight.mp3 -> 06. Lady Gaga - Fun Tonight.mp3
07. Chromatica II.mp3 -> 07. Lady Gaga - Chromatica II.mp3
08. 911.mp3 -> 08. Lady Gaga - 911.mp3
09. Plastic Doll.mp3 -> 09. Lady Gaga - Plastic Doll.mp3
10. Sour Candy.mp3 -> 10. Lady Gaga - Sour Candy.mp3
11. Enigma.mp3 -> 11. Lady Gaga - Enigma.mp3
12. Replay.mp3 -> 12. Lady Gaga - Replay.mp3
13. Chromatica III.mp3 -> 13. Lady Gaga - Chromatica III.mp3
14. Sine From Above.mp3 -> 14. Lady Gaga - Sine From Above.mp3
15. 1000 Doves.mp3 -> 15. Lady Gaga - 1000 Doves.mp3
Add digits to easily sort files. Useful if you were to flatten directory structures but still want your files nicely sorted.
$ renamer -v '^=_' --prefix-increment 0201 Westworld01.mkv Westworld.S02E02.mkv Westworld_3.mkv
Westworld01.mkv -> 0201_Westworld01.mkv
Westworld.S02E02.mkv -> 0202_Westworld.S02E02.mkv
Westworld_3.mkv -> 0203_Westworld_3.mkv
Also possible to add suffixes with --prefix-suffix
Inspired greatly by the original
. The aim is to have similar features but with faster execution time and a slightly more intuitive syntax for those not so familiar with regexes.