webviewx copied to clipboard
on web google.com or any other URL not launching properly it says "url name " refused to connect and screen fluctuates
child: webx.WebViewX( key: ValueKey('webx'), onWebResourceError: (error) { print('error yha h $error'); }, width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height, // initialContent: 'cuddi', initialSourceType: webx.SourceType.urlBypass, javascriptMode: webx.JavascriptMode.unrestricted, onWebViewCreated: (controller) { webviewController = controller; webviewController.loadContent( "https://google.co.in", webx.SourceType.urlBypass, // headers: {'token': state.paymentToken}, body: context ); }, )
also I. added a / after link but nothing changed
same problem
no solution to this yet?
In my case, was iframe origin setting from the server. It cannot be solved from front side
same problem. Can't find a solution