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How to verify if local data is synchronized?
I'm using AngularFire2 Offline in my Ionic application. I want to verify whether local data is already synchronized with Firebase. Does it have a function to check that?
Hi @thiagocarvp, you can just use the regular Firebase promise like this:
const promise = this.afoDatabase.object('car').update({maxSpeed: 100});
promise.then(() => console.log('data saved to Firebase!'));
This promise tells you when your local data is synchronized with Firebase.
You might also like reading working with promises.
Thanks for response! Actually, I was looking for a function that verifies if whole data is already synchronized in my application.
@thiagocarvp can you give me an example of what you'd like to do? I think I need a little bit more context. Thanks!
It would be like to verify if every promise in AngularFire2 Offline is settled, like this:
myclass {
counter: number = 0;
update() {
const promise = this.afoDatabase.object('car').update({maxSpeed: 100});
promise.then(() => {
console.log('data saved to Firebase!');
promise.catch(() => {
isSynchronized() {
return this.counter == 0;
But I think this approach will lead to concurrency problems, and in case of app be closed, promises will be lost.
If I am able to get the promises of emulated updates which are made when app starts, I can count remaining promises, like I said in the comment above. Is it possible to get these promises?
Not sure I follow your use case exactly, but you could consider using Promise.all()
Promise.all() will only resolve when ALL promises in the array resolves. If a single promise fails, it will throw a catchable error.
const promiseArr: Promise<any>[] = ... a promise array
.then(success => {})
.catch(fail => {});
Thanks @larssn ! But in case of app would be killed, these promises (which are not resolved yet) would be lost. Then the app is open again, how could I get the promises for the updates which will be synchronized with Firebase when a connection is available?