angularfire2-offline copied to clipboard
Offline update different than online update.
Hello again
Online update allows for the update of individual properties.
this.fb_CurrentTodos.update(itemsToSave[x].$key, { index: x });
Offline: Just the updated property is returned. >>>>>>>>>>AngularFireOfflineDatabase.list> (2) [{…}, {…}] fromFirebaseTodo> {index: 0, $key: "-KXpuvXAo3jYqlp5s8OH", $exists: Æ’} fromFirebaseTodo> {index: 1, $key: "-KrVLgUO1C-nNeE4fK98", $exists: Æ’}
Proposed fix
emulate-list.ts - processEmulation
} else if (method === 'update') {
let found = false;
let itemToUpdateIndex = this.observableValue.findIndex(item => item.$key == key);
if (itemToUpdateIndex > -1) {
found = true;
const cc_newValue = Object.assign(this.observableValue[itemToUpdateIndex], value );
this.observableValue[itemToUpdateIndex] = cc_newValue;
console.log('cc_newValue>', cc_newValue);
const aa_newValue = { ...this.observableValue[itemToUpdateIndex], ...value };
console.log('aa_newValue>', aa_newValue);
const bb_newValue = unwrap(key, aa_newValue, () => aa_newValue !== null);
console.log('bb_newValue>', bb_newValue);
this.observableValue[itemToUpdateIndex] = bb_newValue;
this.observableValue.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.$key === key) {
found = true;
this.observableValue[index] = newValue;
if (!found) {
} else { // `remove` is the only remaining option
uniqueNext(newValue) {
// Sort
console.log('newValue>', newValue);
console.log('previousValue>', this.previousValue);
if (this.previousValue) { this.previousValue.sort((a, b) => a.$key - b.$key); }
if (newValue) { newValue.sort((a, b) => a.$key - b.$key); }
if (this.updated > 1 || (stringify(this.previousValue) !== stringify(newValue))) {
// this.previousValue = Object.assign([], newValue);
let deepClone = Object.assign([], newValue);
deepClone = => {
let b = Object.assign({}, x);
unwrap(b.$key, b, () => b !== null);
return b;
this.previousValue = deepClone;;
hth Tim
On reflection it would be best to leave internal-list-observable.ts alone.
emulate-list.ts - processEmulation will then be
const aa_newValue = { ...this.observableValue[itemToUpdateIndex], ...value };
console.log('aa_newValue>', aa_newValue);
const bb_newValue = unwrap(key, aa_newValue, () => aa_newValue !== null);
console.log('bb_newValue>', bb_newValue);
this.observableValue[itemToUpdateIndex] = bb_newValue;
I'm facing an issue:
I have a list of elements, where each element is like:
{ property1: "this is one", property2: "this is two" }
When I do
this.db.list('/elements').update(elementId, {property1: "this is NEW one"});
property1 is updated, but property2 is DELETED, just like a SET instead of an UPDATE.
Is this the problem you are describing above?
Yes, I'm afraid so.