urban-environments copied to clipboard
Pipeline-to-create-Urban-Environments-dataset => IndexError: index 19 is out of bounds for axis 2 with size 19
In Pipeline-to-create-Urban-Environments-dataset.ipynb
In this block:
# compute ground traster for given window size
raster, locations_grid, cur_classes = mycity_crop.extract_class_raster(grid_size=grid_size)
myraster = np.zeros(grid_size + (len(classes),))
idx = [class2label[c] for k,c in enumerate(cur_classes)]
myraster[:,:,idx] = raster
It throws an error saying:
IndexError: index 19 is out of bounds for axis 2 with size 19
Thir exception is thrown specifically from: myraster[:,:,idx] = raster