AHK-Virtual-Desktop-Library copied to clipboard
Take full control of Windows 10/11 virtual desktops with this AHK library
AHK-Virtual Desktop Library
In Windows you can use virtual desktops, this library gives you functions to fully manipulate them
For example:
SetBackgroundOnDesktop(desktop_number, imgPath)
(You can have one background per desktop) -
- you can open a program always on a specifed desktop with
AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumber(in_wich_desktop, the_program_you_want)
- and more!(you can see all functions in the index)
- Also there's a list of usefull ideas to use this library
Index(start here):
- Installation
- Additional steps to install it on Windows 11
- Working AHK Example
- Usefull ideas to use this library
Navigate between desktops
- GoToDesktop(desktop_number)
- GoToNextDesktop()
- GoToPrevDesktop()
Return information
- GetCurrentDesktop()
- GetAmountOfDesktops()
- InWichDesktopThisWindowIs(hwnd)
- IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(hwnd)
- IsWindowOnDesktopNumber(desktop_number, hwnd)
- GetAltTabList()
- IsFullScreenMode(ExesToIgnore)
Move windows between desktops
- MoveCurrentWindowToDesktop(desktop_number)
- MoveCurrentWindowToDesktopAndGo(desktop_number)
- MoveWindowToDesktop(desktop_number, hwndToMove)
- MoveWindowToDesktopAndGo(desktop_number, hwndToMove)
Open specified program on desired desktop every time
- AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumber(desktop_number, exe)
- AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumberAndGo(desktop_number, exe)
Open-Close Desktop
- NewDesktop()
- CloseDesktop()
Pin-UnPin Windows
- PinWindow(hwnd)
- UnPinWindow(hwnd)
- IsPinnedWindow(hwnd)
- PinApp(hwnd)
- UnPinApp(hwnd)
- IsPinnedApp(hwnd)
Set a background for each desktop
- SetBackgroundOnDesktop(desktop_number, path)
- SetDefaultBackground(path)
- AltTabOnSwitch()
- CallFunctionOnDesktopSwitch()
- DesktopManager()
- HoldAltTab()
- FocusLastWindow()
- ShowHideDesktop()
Usefull Built in Functions
- GetActiveHwnd()
- CopyActiveHwnd()
- IsHwndActive(hwnd)
- GetActiveExe()
- CopyActiveExe()
- IsExeActive(exe)
- GetActiveClass()
- CopyActiveClass()
- IsClassActive(class)
- GetActiveTitle()
- CopyActiveTitle()
- IsTitleActive(title)
Navigate between desktops
- Credits
Note: This DLL and library works only on 64 bit Windows 10 and it was tested with Windows 10, 21H2, build 19044.1766, also it was done with ahk v1
- You probably need VS 2017 runtimes vc_redist.x64.exe and/or vc_redist.x86.exe if they are not installed already
- Download the "lib" folder
- Put it in the same folder as your script
- You should end up with:
Your script folder(or repo)
├── lib
│ ├── AHK-Virtual-Desktop-Library
│ ├── Other Library if you have
│ ├── Other Library if you have
│ └──...
└── Your Script Here.ahk
- Then include the library in your script like this:
#Include lib\AHK-Virtual-Desktop-Library\Main.ahk
- I really recomend deactivating the animation of changing desktops, they are "enemies" of instant responsiveness, try it for a while, to do so:
Win+r > sysdm.cpl > enter > advanced options > performance > configuration > uncheck the "Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing" > apply > ok
Additional steps to install it on Windows 11:
Your script connects to the AHK-Virtual-Desktop-Library, and the library connects to the VirtualDesktopAccessor.dll(a file inside the library), and that .dll connects to Windows
The library will need the latest VirtualDesktopAccessor.dll, one that is up to date with Windows 11, wich can be found at the repo of the autor of VirtualDesktopAccessor.dll: https://github.com/Ciantic/VirtualDesktopAccessor
Download, reemplace and make sure that the line 5 of Main.ahk(that file is inside the library) has the right path to the VirtualDesktopAccessor.dll so it can "see" the .dll
Note: a lot of functions takes the parameter hwnd, you can use the Built in Function GetActiveHwnd()
to get the active hwnd
To the newbies: hwnd = ahk_id = it's the id of the window, every window has one
Navigate between desktops:
Functions | Description |
GoToDesktop(desktop_number) |
Goes to the desired desktop |
GoToNextDesktop() |
Goes to the next desktop |
GoToPrevDesktop() |
Goes to the previous desktop |
Return information:
Functions | Description |
GetCurrentDesktop() |
Returns in wich desktop you are, for example if you are in desktop 8 it will return 8 |
GetAmountOfDesktops() |
Returns the total number of virtual desktops |
InWichDesktopThisWindowIs(hwnd) |
Returns in which desktop a given hwnd is |
IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(hwnd) |
Returns if the given hwnd is in the current desktop |
IsWindowOnDesktopNumber(desktop_number, hwnd) |
Return if a hwnd is in a specified desktop |
GetAltTabList() |
Alt+Tab shows an array/list of open windows, this funtion returns that array, his order is from the foremost window to the one in the back, and is a array of hwnd's |
IsFullScreenMode(ExesToIgnore) |
Returns True if you are in full screen modeReturns False if you are in window modeExesToIgnore parameter: You can leave it empty or you can pass an array to it of .exe´s, and it will ignore those, so even if they are in full screen it will return False For example. ExesToIgnore := ["atom.exe","GitHubDesktop.exe","chrome.exe"] Use the funtion CopyActiveExe() in the Built in Functions to get the exe easierFor multimonitor support read the function in the source code |
Move windows between desktops:
Functions | Description |
MoveCurrentWindowToDesktop(desktop_number) |
Moves current window to the desired desktop |
MoveCurrentWindowToDesktopAndGo(desktop_number) |
Same as above but also goes to that desktop |
MoveWindowToDesktop(desktop_number, hwndToMove) |
Meant to move a background window from the actual desktop to another You can get a list of all background windows with GetAltTabList() |
MoveWindowToDesktopAndGo(desktop_number, hwndToMove) |
Same as above but moves to that desktop and it will focus that window |
Note: Functions here have repetitive names, but that's because I already combined them for you and dealed with side effects of it(for example flickering)
So don't combine funtions, use the already combined ones from the table IF possible
For example instead of this:
Do this:
Open specified program on desired desktop every time:
Functions | Description |
AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumber(desktop_number, exe) |
You can use this to have your favourite programs in the desktops you want. Every time you open the a specified program(does not matter how) it will open in the desired desktop. Requires 2 parameters: desktop_number :In wich desktop the program will openexe : a string with the .exe(NOT case sensitive).For example. AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumber(3, "Notepad.exe") In this part you can use the Built in Function CopyActiveExe() to make it easier.Note: There's File Explorer support, just do: AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumber(2, "explorer.exe") If all windows start to open in that desktop, that means that the parameters are wrong |
AlwaysOpenOnDesktopNumberAndGo(desktop_number, exe) |
Same as above, but also goes to that desktop |
Open-Close Desktop:
Functions | Description |
NewDesktop() |
Opens a new desktop |
CloseDesktop() |
Closes current desktop |
Pin-UnPin Windows:
When you pin a Window or an App, it means that it will stay in all desktops, Windows remembers pins even if the script closes, so remember to unpin if you want to
Functions | Description |
PinWindow(hwnd) |
Pins the specified window(making it stay in all desktops) |
UnPinWindow(hwnd) |
UnPins the specified window |
IsPinnedWindow(hwnd) |
Returns 1 if pinned, 0 if not pinned, -1 if not valid |
PinApp(hwnd) |
Pins the specified app(making it stay in all desktops) |
UnPinApp(hwnd) |
UnPins the specified app |
IsPinnedApp(hwnd) |
Returns 1 if pinned, 0 if not pinned, -1 if not valid |
Set a background for each desktop:
Functions | Description |
SetBackgroundOnDesktop(desktop_number, path) |
Sets the background of a particular desktop Parameter path : You can put in it one of 2 things:1. The path to an image 2. The path to a folder with only images on it, and it will take a random one from it, for example SetBackgroundOnDesktop(1,"C:\Personalizing Windows\Wallpapers\For desktop 1\") , don´t forget to put an "" at the endNote: you can give to it a folder path and have only one image in it, that way when you decide to change the wallpaper you have to interact with the folder and not with the code |
SetDefaultBackground(path) |
For example if you didn't set up the background with SetBackgroundOnDesktop(desktop_number, path) in desktop 4, the background will be the default one that you set here, the parameter path works exactly the same as the function above |
Note: The wallpaper does not changes instantly(takes 200 ms?), windows was not made with this feature in mind so this is my best try
Functions | Description |
AltTabOnSwitch() |
Call this function and when you go to another desktop and everything is minimized it will automaticaly alt+tab(it does not send the keystrokes Alt+Tab because I tryed and looks bad and has bugs, the script imitates alt tab, does not use it) |
CallFunctionOnDesktopSwitch() |
When you call it, it will call a funcion named OnDesktopSwitch() each time the desktop changes, YOU need to create that funcion OnDesktopSwitch() and add to it what you want to happen every time the desktop changes |
DesktopManager() |
Opens desktop manager, call it again to close it |
HoldAltTab() |
Same as Ctrl+Alt+Tab |
FocusLastWindow() |
Like Alt+Tab, but does not press Alt+Tab, it's an ahk imitation |
ShowHideDesktop() |
Show/hide desktop, Sends Win+D |
Usefull Built in Functions:
Meant to make it easier
Functions | Description |
GetActiveHwnd() |
Returns the hwnd of the active window |
CopyActiveHwnd() |
Copies into the clipboard the hwnd of the active window |
IsHwndActive(hwnd) |
Returns True if is active and False if not, you have to give it a hwnd as a parameter |
Functions | Description |
GetActiveExe() |
Returns the exe of the active window |
CopyActiveExe() |
Copies into the clipboard the exe of the active window |
IsExeActive(exe) |
Returns True if is active and False if not, you have to give it an exe as a parameter |
Functions | Description |
GetActiveClass() |
Returns the class of the active window |
CopyActiveClass() |
Copies into the clipboard the class of the active window |
IsClassActive(class) |
Returns True if is active and False if not, you have to give it a class as a parameter |
Functions | Description |
GetActiveTitle() |
Returns the title of the active window |
CopyActiveTitle() |
Copies into the clipboard the title of the active window |
IsTitleActive(title) |
Returns True if is active and False if not, you have to give it a windowTitle as a parameter |
Working AHK Example:
I put a bunch of hotkeys together so you can test it for yourself, with escape you exit the script
#Include lib\AHK-Virtual-Desktop-Library\Main.ahk
GoToDesktop(2) ; tip: if you call this at the beginning of your script and if you start it with windows, you will start windows always on the desktop you want
; You can use this to have your favourite programs in the desktops you want:
; try opening paint with this script running, it will open in desktop 3:
; try opening notepad with this script running, it will open in desktop 1 and also go to it:
e::DesktopManager() ; press again to close
currentDesktop := GetCurrentDesktop()
MsgBox, You are on desktop number %currentDesktop%
; x::MoveCurrentWindowToDesktopAndGo(3)
a::CallFunctionOnDesktopSwitch(true) ; If true calls a funcion named OnDesktopSwitch(), is not obligatory to use
MsgBox, I run every time the desktop changes, I stop with the key "s"
s::CallFunctionOnDesktopSwitch(false) ; stops calling OnDesktopSwitch()
; to get the hwnd and exe easier:
r::CopyActiveHwnd() ; thats it, just paste it wherever you want
;Pin current window(remember to unpin)
activeHwnd := GetActiveHwnd() ; you can use the built in function GetActiveHwnd() to get the active hwnd
;UpPin current window
activeHwnd := GetActiveHwnd() ; you can use the built in function GetActiveHwnd() to get the active hwnd
Usefull ideas to use this library:
- Go to the next/prev desktop when the mouse touches the left/right side of the screen(if you want this to not work inside games use the function
) - Move a window to the next/prev desktop when dragged to the left/right side of the screen, and to snap them to the sides use Microsoft PowerToys(in Youtube there's demos of PowerToys)
- When you go to another desktop and everything is minimized automaticaly focus the last minimized window with this function
Function in this table - Have your favourite programs open always in the desktops you want(no matter how you open them) with the Function in this table
- Pressing a key and moving the mouse to one corner will
Function in this table - XButton2(also called 5th mouse button or button foward in the mouse) to
(Function in this table) without sending the keystroke alt+tab
If you have any usefull way you use this library and is not in this list, please open an isue and tell me so i add it to this list, that way i hope between everyone we get a good list
I also put only original ideas, pressing 1,2,3 to go to desktop 1,2,3 its not going to be here
PLEASE: if you do the code of any of this ideas, show me your repo so I can link it here or so we/I can use it, thanks!
I want to thank Ciantic(Jari Pennanen) because he did the .dll that connects to Windows, thats black magic for me, so thanks
Ciantic: https://github.com/Ciantic/VirtualDesktopAccessor
Thanks to lschwahn because he did a complex program and I took ideas from his code
lschwahn: https://github.com/lschwahn/win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer
As a newbie I couldn't find something easy to use, something ready to go, something with documentation, so here it is, I also added more than 20 of my own functions
Credits to Fanatic Guru for the [Class] WinHook
Thanks SKAN for the function that copies to the clipboard
Also thanks to tom-bowles for a "bug fix" here, it was really usefull
Thanks to Icarus for half of the IsFullScreenMode()
function here
took from here
Thanks to itzjakm for his idea of being able to pick a random image from a folder to set it as a wallpaper
And thanks to the ahk community
-I have to create a function called AlwaysStayWindowOnDesktop(desktop, exe), because the windows move by themselves sometimes from one dektop to another, all thanks to a low level bug on windows
-read the code and fix documented irrelevant bugs