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Voice chat/VoIP solution for unity.

Note: Inbuilt implementations and samples have been removed from this repository. They'll be added to separate repositories soon.

CI is currently brokern.


UniVoice is a voice chat/VoIP solution for Unity.

Some features of UniVoice:

  • 👥 Group voice chat. Multiple peers can join a chatroom and exchange audio.

  • ⚙ Peer specific settings. Don't want to listen to a peer? Mute them. Don't want someone listening to you? Mute yourself against them.

  • 🎨 Customize your audio input, output and networking layer.

    • 🎤 Configurable Audio Input: Decide what the input of your outgoing audio is. Let it be from Unity's Microphone class, or a live streaming audio, or an MP4 file on the disk.

    • 🔊 Configurable Audio Output: Decide where the incoming peer audio goes. Let the output of incoming audio be Unity AudioSource to play the audio in-game, or write it into an MP4 on the disk, or stream it to an online service.

    • 🌐 Configurable Network: Want to use UniVoice in a WLAN project using Telepathy? Just adapt its API for UniVoice with a simple the IChatroomNetwork interface. Using your own backend for multiplayer? Create and expose your audio API and write a UniVoice implementation, again with the same interface.


Manuals and sample projects are not available yet. For the API reference, please visit http://www.vatsalambastha.com/univoice


Creating a chatroom agent

  • To be able to host and join voice chatrooms, you need a ChatroomAgent instance.
var agent = new ChatroomAgent(IChatroomNetwork network, IAudioInput audioInput, IAudioOutput audioOutput);

Hosting and joining chatrooms

Every peer in the chatroom is assigned an ID by the host. And every peer has a peer list, representing the other peers in the chatroom.

  • To get your ID

  • To get a list of the other peers in the chatroom, use this:

agent.Network also provides methods to host or join a chatroom. Here is how you use them:

// Host a chatroom using a name

// Join an existing chatroom using a name

// Leave the chatroom, if connected to one

// Closes a chatroom, if is hosting one

Muting Audio

To mute everyone in the chatroom, use agent.MuteOthers = true; or set it to false to unmute them all.

To mute yourself use agent.MuteSelf = true; or set it to false to unmute yourself. This will stop sending your audio to all the peers in the chatroom.

For muting a specific peer, first get the peers settings object using this:

agent.PeerSettings[id].muteThem = true; // where id belongs to the peer in question

If you want to mute yourself towards a specific peer, use this: agent.PeerSettings[id].muteSelf = true; // where id belongs to the peer in question


agent.Network provides several network related events. Refer to the API reference for them.

License and Support

This project is under the MIT license.

Updates and maintenance are not guaranteed and the project is maintained by the original developer in his free time. Community contributions are welcome.

Commercial consultation and development can be arranged but is subject to schedule and availability.


The developer can be reached at the following links:
