AdoBot copied to clipboard
Open-source android spyware
is there any way to read whats app messages ?
Is there is any plan to view the file manger on the adobot-io server of the victim phone?
I tried Killing it and waited for some minutes nothing 30 minutes bot is offline,, i have tried this : PackageManager i = getApplicationContext().getPackageManager(); i.setComponentEnabledSetting(getComponentName(),PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); if(isMyServiceRunning()==false) { startService(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),...
Dear Adones, First of all, thank you for your work. I must admit that i'm pretty new in android dev, and i don't manage to connect my phone to my...
please can you add make a call , record calls explore file directory, take picture, and maybe grab im chat
5.1 working fine when try to install android 7.1.2 app crash manully need to click and app will start