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Problem with the Setup at the last stage
I want to know that in setup at the development of .json file i will put my pass and email ok but what will i put in the database or can u tell me what should i write iam using heroku for all things . Secondly that where i have to type all the setup commands in the nodejs command prompt or in the usual cmd . and whenever i put the setup commands i get the error : "No such file or directory"or the second error would be "system could not recoginze '_'this letter " i think u have wrong commands or misspelled them. SO PLS TELL ME THE ERROR SOLUTION AND WHERE I HAVE TO TYPE THE SETUP LAST SEC COMMANDS AND WHAT SHOULD I WRITE IN DATABASE IF IAM USING HEROKU DATABSASE AND WHEN I TYPE : ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate i get this error : Unable to connect to database: SequelizeConnectionError: ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_M ODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consid er upgrading MySQL client , even i have upgraded my mysql client , it would be better if u made a tutorial for all these THANKS
in command line
- brew install mysql
- mysqld --skip-grant-tables &
- mysql
./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
If 4th step throughs error then open mysql usingmysql
command in terminal a. create new databaseCREATE DATABASE adobot
b. use databaseUSE adobot
c. exit from mysql\q
- run
./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate