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Added callbacks to ArchiveFile.Extract and Entry.Extract for progress events.
The IArchiveExtractCallback contains SetTotal and SetCompleted which are called at various points during file extraction. These points differ between file formats, but along with GetStream some form of progress reporting is possible, which is what this commit introduces.
The Extract methods on ArchiveFile and Entry now accept an event handler that will be called with the new ArchiveExtractionProgressEventArgs and EntryExtractionProgressEventArgs, respectively, as the extraction progresses. Please note that it is very inconsistent when this is invoked, depending on the format. However, it is guaranteed to be called at least at the beginning and end of extracting each file.
Rune, thanks for your work! I'll review asap, clients are tearing me apart 😅
No worries :)
@runemoennike how can i use your update, i downloaded the latest source but that does not includes your files/changes :( and more over i am not that good on git..
is it possible for you to give me the updates source and a test function that can monitor the progress please?
thanks in advance @runemoennike @adoconnection
best regards
@SalmaBegumJSR you have to clone my fork of the repo, and switch to branch 55. If you do it from a terminal/console, it looks like this:
git clone
cd SevenZipExtractor
git checkout 55