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Simplification of media schema
What are the schemas that are affected by the issue
- advertisingdetails.schema.json
- advertisingpoddetails.schema.json
- chapterdetails.schema.json
- errordetails.schema.json
- playereventdetails.schema.json
- playerstatedata.schema.json
- qoedatadetails.schema.json
- sessiondetails.schema.json
- mediacollectiondetails.schema.json
- experienceevent-mediacollection.schema.json
- experienceevent-mediareporting.schema.json
- experienceevent-mediacollectiondownloaded.schema.json
What are examples of products that are impacted by the issue
- Adobe Media Analytics Internal JIRA issue: https://jira.corp.adobe.com/browse/VA-4808
High-level changes:
- create datatypes to be used in 2 fieldgroups: mediacollection and mediareporting
- deprecate the media.schema.json and use the new schemas for a better experience for our clients