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Possible to add a search filter that allows tag selection?
One of the teams planning to deploy an asset share has an asset metadata attribute that allows the person searching to select one or more tags, and here's how it's represented as a search filter within the AEM author instance:
Would it be possible to add a new Asset Share Commons search filter component to support this use case, provided something does not already exist (I confirmed the available search filters and none of them appeared to handle this use case)?
@artdirk there is a Tags Filter component [1] but its checkbox/radio based. Is the intent here to point it at one or more tag namespaces and allow any number of tags to be selected?
Unfortunately we cant use CoralUI outside of the AEM Authoring experience, so we'd have to find a SemanticUI widget [2] that would easily satisfy this; thoughts on a SemanticUI widget that would work?
[1] [2]
@davidjgonzalez, the use case for the "Marketing Campaign" filter would be to point it at an attribute in our metadata schema (./jcr:content/metadata/gps:marketingcampaign), and allow the asset share user to select one or more values from the list of existing values to filter search results.
@artdirk Generally you would source the list of filter options from some Tag tree(s) and not from the values across all assets (thats faceting and unfortunately AEM's QueryBuilder API's do not leverage Oak's faceting, thus faceting in AEM/QueryBuilder is not performant at scale).
My assumption here is you would want to configure the Filter with a static (hand picked) or derived (show all tags under a set of tag tree(s)), and allow them to be used to filter.
The existing Tag Filter lists "hand picked" tags via checkbox/radios... [1] - is that sufficient? Else, have you reviewed the link to semantic widgets wrt to a better UX? [2]
[1] [2]
@davidjgonzalez, I think the current "hand picked" tags component will not work, because there are a bunch of tags that would need to be manually curated.
I think the idea of a multi-select dropdown that points at a metadata attribute (a "derived" tags component) and exposes all its possible values would be more appealing to the business.